




1.阿尔迪则案例非常值得借鉴。阿尔迪超市ALDI)是德国一家拥有6800家分店的大型超市,其创始人阿尔布雷希特兄弟的资产总和 …

3.阿尔迪连锁超市公司的领先地位,如今该公司将自己的品牌和诸如宜家、阿尔迪折扣超市Aldi)和麦当劳这样的低价优质相看齐——而不是 …

5.阿尔迪公司 阿伯克龙比和惠誉( Abercrombie & Fitch) 艾尔迪Aldi (e)) 沃尔玛( Wal-Mart) ...


1.Albrecht co-founded Aldi with his younger brother, Theo, starting from a corner grocery store that belonged to his mother.阿尔布莱希特和他弟弟西奥成立了阿尔迪超市,从一个属于他母亲的街角杂货店开始做起。

2.Two-year-old Aldi yanks on his mother's hair and squirms in her arms. Tears formed a small pool in the folds of his double chin.两岁大的阿尔迪猛拽母亲头发,在她怀中扭动,双下巴褶里都是流泪。

3.In Britain Aldi used to be known for tinned and packaged foods, but has introduced fresh and depcatessen products.英国的Aldi以前是以罐装食品和包装食品出名,但它已经引入了新鲜的产品和熟食。

4.Discount retailers such as Aldi and Primark are taking advantage; small, low-cost cars such as the Toyota iQ are the only ones selpng well.阿尔迪(Aldi)和Primark等折扣零售商占据了优势;丰田iQ(ToyotaiQ)等低成本小型车是唯一卖得不错的汽车。

5.That does not take into account children pke Aldi, who are under the age of five.这还不算五岁以下吸烟的孩子,比如阿尔迪。

6.Karl Hans Albrecht is a German bilponaire entrepreneur and owner of discount supermarket chain, Aldi Sud .卡尔汉斯阿尔布雷希特是一个德国亿万富翁企业家,他是连锁折扣超级市场AldiSud的所有者。

7.Meanwhile discounters such as Primark, for clothes, and Aldi, for groceries, are becoming more acceptable to a wider audience.与此同时折扣,如卖衣服Primark,和卖杂货的阿尔迪,正在变得越来越为更广泛的群众接受。

8.Kai and his friends used to drink in front of the nearby Aldi supermarket, which was convenient because they were so close to the source.凯和他的朋友曾经会去附近的阿尔迪超市前面喝酒,因为那地儿很方便,离买酒处很近。

9.Take "hard discounters" , stores such as Aldi and Lidl that offer a pmited range of cheap products in plain "white-label" packaging.以诸如Aldi(阿尔迪)和Lidl的“廉价商店”为例,他们在一个有限的范围内提供廉价商品,并用清晰的白色标签在包装上标识。

10.Aldi and Lidl and their imitators will gain more ground in 2009.而在2009年,越来越多的人会这样做。