


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ælɪk]






na.1.The variant of Alec

1.亚历克 Wilpam( 威廉) Aleck亚历克) Henry( 亨利) ...

2.亚力克 hay 海 aleck 亚力克 abbey 阿比 ...

3.艾历克 29. Alec( 亚历克) 30. Aleck艾历克) 31. Alex( 亚历克斯) ...

4.男子名的昵称 alecithic 无卵黄的 aleck 男子名的昵称 aleconner 酒类检查官 ...


1.Confessedly defeated, he was properly tame now and subdued. Aleck forgave him with her eyes.自认吃了败仗,他也就俯首帖耳了。艾莱柯的眼神宽恕了他。

2.Tim is nothing more than a smart aleck, despised by his classmates.提姆只不过是一个被同学看不起、自以为是的人。

3.He is nothing more than a smart aleck , despised by his colleagues .他只不过是一个被同事看不起,自以为是的人。

4.When the audience laughed at the scene when the , Linklater continued attention to this child, he was not a smart aleck pke to see the guy.当在现场的观众笑的东倒西歪时,林克莱特继续着注视这孩子,想看他是不是自作聪明的家伙。

5.My advice is to ride it out , make an occasional smart- aleck quip .我的意见就是出去旅行,并时不时地说些自作聪明的俏皮话。

6.The smart-aleck rookie detective got himself in trouble.这个自作聪明的菜鸟侦探让自己身陷危机。

7.Oh, you don't have to be such a smart aleck!天啊!你说话怎么这么刁呢?

8.At a feudal festival, Aleck provided a feast for all of his classmates at home.在一个封建的节日,亚力克在家里为所有的同学准备了一次宴会。

9.I know some smart aleck will now say, "Well, Ben, we cannot all be at the top of our class. " True enough.我知道一些聪明的人现在要说:”好吧,Ben,我们不可能每个人都在班上名列前茅“没错。

10.Alas, this world is filled with too many smart aleck s but way too few genuine practitioners of the Buddhadharma!只可惜世上的聪明人太多,但真正对佛法进行实修的人却微乎其微。