




1.藻花有效的,还是化学上的防御机制。硅藻会形成大面积的藻华algal blooms),就是因为同时有物理及化学上的保护,再配合 …

3.赤潮也被称为藻花 ... algal blooms1. 赤潮也被称为藻花 canada blooms1. 加拿大花卉展 ...

4.藻类水华 ... ) Cyanobacteria bloom-forming 蓝藻水华 ) Algal blooms 藻类水华 ) Cyanobacteria bloom 蓝藻水华 ...

5.藻类水华爆发泊和其他娱乐水体都存在着不同程度的富营养化问题, 藻类水华爆发 (algal blooms) 则是许多富营养化湖泊和水体面临的挑战, …

6.爲藻花   赤潮也被称爲藻花(algal blooms),是指大量有色单细胞水藻繁殖涌入近海,使整个近海海面变成血红色。虽然赤潮中一些水藻 …


1.Experiments that add iron to the sea have had mixed success, though, and may cause harmful algal blooms and ocean acidification.实验证明,在海中加铁是一把双刃剑,虽然海藻的数量增多,但也可能导致有害藻潮和海洋酸化。

2.Much is washed off by rain, ending up in local watercourses where dissolved nutrients can cause algal blooms and kill fish.大部分是被雨水冲走,沉积在当地河道并在那里溶解成营养素,这种营养素能引起当地藻类大量繁殖并造成鱼类死亡。

3.On a seasonal basis, algal blooms near the sea surface send pulses of organic material to the deep seafloor.从季节更替的角度,在海面附近发生的赤潮为有机物质向深海地区的运送提供了动力。

4.This can trigger toxic algal blooms and a rising number of oxygen deficient 'dead zones'.这可以导致有毒的赤潮出现,使缺氧“死亡区”的数量不断增加。

5.So far, the rising sea levels, dying corals and spreading algal blooms are only minor distractions for most people.迄今为止,对大多数人而言,海平面升高、奄奄一息的珊瑚虫、蔓延的藻花水华只不过是次要的烦恼。

6.This paper summarizes the relationships between the occurrences of harmful algal blooms and the eutrophication in coastal waters.控制营养输入后,浮游植物生物量或有害藻类水华事件也相应减少。

7.whether these spores represent telltale clues of toxic algal blooms, however, has yet to be confirmed.不过,这些孢子是否能当做有毒藻华的证据,仍然有待证实。

8."We've had enormous algal blooms here the last few years which have affected the whole ecosystem, " Westman said.“最近几年,这里的赤潮现象极其严重,影响到了整个生态系统。”韦斯特曼这样说道。

9.And occasionally, dinoflagellates create large algal blooms, known commonly as "red tide, " which poison many shellfish at once.在有些时候,钩鞭藻还可能大量繁殖,一次性毒害大量的贝类,这就是我们常说的“赤潮”。

10.Algal blooms trigger by eutrophication due to Nitrogen runoff choke river ecosystems.径流中氮过量而引起的富营养化使藻类大量繁殖,危及到河流生态系统。