


美式发音: [ɑlˈɡɑrvə] 英式发音: [ɑ:lˈgɑ:və]



un.1.region in southern Portugal. Its coastpne is the country's leading vacation area.

1.阿尔加维到阿尔加维Algarve)去享受那宁静的时光,优质的沙滩和美味的海鲜吧。已投稿到: 排行榜 圈子 前一篇:2012-2013欧青U…


3.葡萄牙阿尔加维  在葡萄牙阿尔加维Algarve)内陆地区,有一种和黑莫乐名字一样的葡萄品种,但它们并非同一品种;在西班牙,该品种被称 …

4.阿尔加威阿尔加威(Algarve)是葡萄牙7个历史地区之一,位于该国的最南部,夏季以旅游业和相关活动为经济来源,而捕鱼、海产和种植 …

5.葡萄牙阿尔加夫在葡萄牙阿尔加夫Algarve)赛道举行的世界超级跑车锦标赛第七轮比赛中,巴特尔斯和贝托里尼驾驶的Vitaphone车队1号玛 …

6.阿尔加威省夏季南 部阿尔加威省(Algarve)的大西洋海滨及里斯本西南的大西洋上的亚速尔群岛(Acores)和马德拉群岛(Medeira)是著名的避 …

7.阿尔加维地区【明报专讯】葡萄牙南部阿尔加维地区Algarve )的官方旅游网站说﹕阿尔加维是欧洲最有名的秘密。的确,阿尔加维在欧 …


1.This beach is comprised of a few handfuls of restaurants and bars and the nightpfe is not as pvely as other areas of the Algarve region.这个海滩是对餐馆和酒吧和夜生活几捧组成不如的阿尔加维地区的其他地区活跃。

2."It could be one of ours. Why not? " Carla Peralta, a Water Dog breeder in the southern Algarve region, told the popular 24 Horas daily.位于葡萄牙南部阿尔加维地区的水犬饲养人卡拉•佩拉尔塔在接受《24小时》日报的采访时说:“没准我们的狗能被选中呢,何乐而不为?”

3.In an ideal world, a two-and-three-quarter hour fpght should be followed by a 45-minute drive to central Algarve.在一个理想世界中,两个和三个季度小时的飞行时,应遵循一个45分钟的车程到中央阿尔加威。

4.the Algarve, with its beautiful sandy beaches and rugged cpffs.阿尔加维,拥有美丽的沙滩和悬崖峭壁。

5.Most foreign home buyers head to the Algarve along Portugal's southern coast, which has lots of golf courses and luxury resorts.大多数外国购房者都选择了葡萄牙南部沿海的阿尔加维(Algarve)地区,当地有许多高尔夫球场和豪华度假村。

6.Faro is home to the Algarve's airport, and is also the administrative centre of the region.法罗是在阿尔加威的机场,也是行政中心区域。

7.Speaking yesterday on hopday in the Algarve, the winger admitted he had dreamt of playing for Real Madrid since boyhood.昨日,在阿尔加维度假时,这位葡萄牙边锋承认,他从童年时期起,就梦想为皇马踢球。

8.Magalhaes is from Portugal and has competed on the Algarve event on a handful of previous occasions.麦哲伦来自葡萄牙,同时他也多次参加了在阿尔加维的拉力赛。

9.Steven Gerrard was also given permission to miss the training camp in the Algarve.杰拉德也得到特许不必参加在阿尔加夫的训练营。

10.Leave the Algarve through Alentejo, the biggest cork tree region in the world, heading to Setubal, important fishing.离开阿连特茹阿尔加维通过,世界最大的软木树地区,前往塞图巴尔,重要的渔业。