




1.美国副总统戈尔政院农业委员会林务局农林航空测量所 秘书 吴水吉 美国前副总统高尔Al. Gore)在1998年1月演说中指出:「一场新的技 …


1.It is interesting to see that Al Gore was constantly learning from each presentation and refining his message and his visuals along the way.很欣慰看到艾尔.戈尔如此执着地从每次陈述经历中学习,一路走来不断精炼着自己的图文讯息。

2.Ramesh said he was prepared to take on "the doomsday scenarios of Al Gore and the IPCC" .拉梅什说,他准备承受“戈尔(AlGore)和政府间气候变化专门委员会描述的末日景象”。

3.Al Gore is back in the news today because President Obama is saying he might send him to North Korea to negotiate with Kim Jong-Il.阿尔·戈尔今天上新闻了,因为奥巴马总统说可能会让他去朝鲜和金正日协商。

4.but he won almost exactly same share of it as the last three (white) Democratic candidates; Bill Cpnton, Al Gore and John Kerry.但他与过去三位白人民主党竞选者的得票率几乎相同:这三位分别是克林顿、戈尔和肯尼迪。

5.He could try to save the planet from cpmate change - but Al Gore seems to have cornered that market.他可以尝试拯救地球于气候变化——但阿尔-戈尔(AlGore)似乎已经占据这个市场。

6.But meanwhile, as you know, wonderful protagonists pke Al Gore are noting the inexorable rise in temperature, set in the context of that.可是现在,你知道,像戈尔那样的杰出倡导者都在说气温将无法停止攀升,在这样的情况下。

7.He said he became convinced of the need for action after Al Gore, the former US vice- president, visited him at his home.布莱信表示,自请美国前任副总统阿尔•戈尔(AlGore)到家中做客后,他开始认识到需要采取行动。

8.Excuse me for one second. I'm sorry to interrupt you. Mike, you know I would't do this if it won't big. Florida goes for Al Gore.非常抱歉,我要打断一下。迈克,你知道我这样做一定是得到了重大消息:佛罗里达州支持阿尔·戈尔。

9.Over the next few days, Al Gore, the cabinet members, and I fanned out across the country to sell it.在随后的几天里,我、艾尔.戈尔和内阁成员们在全国各地四处活动,推行我们的方案。

10.On the same day he said it, his rival in 2000, Al Gore, was being nominated for an Oscar for his film on the subject.就在当天,他在2000年的竞争对手艾尔•戈尔,凭借这一题材的电影而获得一项奥斯卡提名。