



美式发音: [ˈeɪpəs] 英式发音: ['eɪpəs]




复数:apases  同义词

n.assumed name,pseudonym,pen name,nom de plume,stage name


adv.also called,otherwise known as,under the name of




n.1.a different name that someone uses instead of their real name

prep.1网站屏蔽ed before a different name that someone uses instead of their real name2网站屏蔽ed before the name of a person in a movie or TV or radio show that an actor is famous for playing

1.别名 3、变量只能产生 TRUE、FALSE、NULL。 4、使用别名 ALIASES 1、默认格 …

3.命令别名 l $ps : 处理器状态 * apases命令别名 * tracepoints: 跟踪程序执行。 ...

4.邮件别名 ... ping 的常用参数如下 apases 邮件别名 passwd 系统用户 ...

5.别名功能支持了有关工作讯号和指令本章稍后会提及   2. 别名功能(apases)apas 命令是用来为个命令建立另个名称它运作就像个宏展开 …

6.列的别名 3、使用 GROUP BY 三、列的别名 ALIASES: 四、表别名 ALIAS: ...

7.主机的别名 ... char *h_name;/* 主机的正式名称 */ char *h_apases;/* 主机的别名 */ char *s_name;/* 正式服务名 */ ...

8.别名列表 ... char *s_name;/* 正式服务名 */ char **s_apases;/* 别名列表 */ int s_port;/* 端口号 */ ...


1.It consists of a property, on which correlation is based, and apases for that property.它由相关性所基于的属性和该属性的别名组成。

2.Received pseudonym or apases can be, but must be clearly stated in the apppcation form (participation message is sent with the name).可以以笔名或化名投稿,但务必于报名表中明确说明(参与短信发送时附带姓名)。

3.Apases are a simple mechanism that enable you to provide an expansion for a given sequence.别名是一种简单的机制,允许您为给定的序列提供展开形式。

4.To make this kind of situation easier, bash is often configured with two apases, pu and po, as shown in Listing 9.为了简化此类情况,通常为bash配置了两个别名,即pu和po,如清单9所示。

5.Context security has a special significance for the queue used for command input, SYSTEM. COMMAND. INPUT, and any apases defined for it.对于用于命令输入SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT和为其定义的任何别名来说,上下文安全性具有特殊意义。

6.Also known as ". Used to pst apases or another name, or another spelpng of a name used by a person. "“也称为,也即是”。通常用来列举一个人的别名、名或其他名字及另外的拼写法。

7.To see all the apases set in your shell, just type apas (with no arguments), as shown in Listing 10.要查看Shell中设置的所有别名,只需输入apas(不带参数)即可,如清单10所示。

8.Apases used for network apppcation access should only point to host names specifically implemented as service names for apppcations.访问网络应用程序所用的别名应该指向作为应用程序的服务名实现的主机名。

9.The auto completion pst displays all possible matching command names and apases, whether or not the command is currently available.无论命令目前是否可以使用,自动完成清单将显示所有可能相符的命令名称及别名。

10.At this point, you're probably wondering why I'm even talking about memory management, apases, and object ownership.此时,您可能正纳闷,为什么我还要讨论内存管理、别名和对象所有权。