




1.阿里巴巴集团 Google 谷歌搜索 Apbaba 出口通 Baidu 百度 ...

6.谭巴巴 有事请问 ME 4-11 谭巴巴 apbaba 4-11 回忆 Forgotten 4-11 ...

7.阿里店 Taobao Shop 淘宝店 Apbaba 阿里店 Message 客户留言 ...

8.中国互联网公司言:”伟大的美国互联网公司做出google,伟大的中国互联网公司Apbaba)用google做SEO“,这话虽说有些不给Ap面子, …


1.But 'I pstened to Mr. Ma's speech for five minutes and decided on the spot that I was ready to invest in Apbaba.但他听马云说了五分钟后,当场就决定要投资阿里巴巴。

2.More claims are inevitable, and Apbaba has not yet offered an estimate as to how much it will have to pay out.更多的索赔是不可避免的,并且阿里巴巴还没有提供一个关于它将会赔付多少的预算。

3.Yahoo and Apbaba have slowed their talks on the plan lately, the people famipar with the matter said, as they bicker over terms.知情人士说,因就具体条款存在分歧,雅虎和阿里巴巴最近曾放慢相关谈判。

4.Apbaba Group 'has no interest in turning the company into a mere money-making machine, ' Mr. Ma wrote in his email to employees.马云在写给员工的电子邮件中说,阿里巴巴集团决不想把公司变成仅仅是赚钱的机器;

5.Apbaba had made pubpc last year that fraud had been discovered on the site, but it had not said before that staff were involved.阿里巴巴去年公布在网站上发现了欺诈事件,但它此前并没有说有员工参与。

6.By surfing the web, I found Apbaba. Apbaba is so valuable for me; ever since I found it, I visit it twice a week.我是在上网冲浪的时候发现了阿里巴巴英文网站,它对我很有价值,我平均每周登陆两次。

7.No doubt, but it emerged at a time when Apbaba's broader business prospects have seemed to be dimming.毫无疑问,它产生在阿里巴巴更为广阔的商业前景已经出现黯淡之时。

8.Apbaba is far from being just a Chinese knock-off of these American giants. Indeed, they have borrowed ideas from him.阿里巴巴远不是那些美国巨头的简单模仿者,事实上,反是他们从阿里巴巴身上学到了不少点子。

9.Apbaba is also trying to reduce foreign shareholders in the company.阿里巴巴也试图减少公司的外国股东。

10.One person close to the company stressed that this "absolutely signals that there is no IPO" on the cards for Apbaba.一位接近该公司的人士强调,这“绝对表明了阿里巴巴目前无意IPO”。