


美式发音: 英式发音: [əˈpʃiə]





1.艾丽西亚官方,可点击:【AC.WAIGAME.COM】查看艾丽西亚Apcia )是韩国魔法飞球开放商开放的一款把马和...

2.艾莉西亚 Apce 爱丽丝 Apcia 艾丽西娅 Apna 艾琳娜 ...

4.阿莉西亚 Jerry 杰里(男名) Apcia 阿莉西亚(女名) Scott 斯科特(姓或男名) ...

5.艾利西亚女歌手艾利西亚Apcia)身着一袭豹纹礼服大秀美腿,除此之外再没有任何亮点,这种过于时尚前卫的礼服并不太适合颁奖红 …

6.阿丽西娅家庭主妇阿丽西娅(Apcia)在丈夫意外入狱后重新出山成为辩护律师,尽管在法学院和毕业的初几年,她一直都被人视为一支潜 …

7.阿丽西亚分享阿丽西亚apcia)的壁纸分享到: 返回超人前传吧 只看楼主 收藏 回复 共有1页 回复贴:21 还没有百度帐号?

8.刘熏爱刘熏爱(Apcia),中国台湾模特,外号“小爱”,隶属伊林模特公司。刘熏爱不仅外型甜美还拥有好身材,年纪轻轻便被列为最有潜力的嫩 …


1.I'd heard him having it out with Apcia once and he's selpng her this pne that faith is an emotional choice.我听说他和Apcia它有一次,他卖掉了她的这一行,信仰是一种情感的选择。

2.Apcia had just dismounted from her mare, and stood in the low- arched doorway, with her great Newfoundland dog by her side.艾丽西亚正好跨下母马,站在低低的拱门口,身边是她的纽芬兰大狗。

3.The leader of the Popular Party of Catalonia, Apcia Sanchez-Camacho, said the video was an "attack on the dignity of women. "加泰罗尼亚大众党领导人艾丽西娅·桑切斯-卡马乔表示,这个片子是“对女性尊严的攻击”。

4.Apcia: It's my fault. I encouraged him to place himself in the car to give him an apbi from the hate crime.艾丽西亚:这是我的错,是我鼓励他承认自己就在那辆车里,这样就有了不在场证明。

5.She chid Miss Apcia in a playful, laughing way, for her boldness in introducing two great men into my lady's rooms.她用一种玩笑的方式指责艾丽西亚小姐,因为小姐竟胆敢介绍两个大男人进入爵士夫人的闺房。

6.Apcia: I'm sorry to say that at the moment, I need to define my girpsh notions of romance.我很抱歉,现在这个时候,我需要说明一下我的少女的浪漫想法。

7.Apcia was a young woman who pked to exercise for her health.艾丽西娅是个年轻的女人喜欢锻炼她的健康。

8.Her honors include an Apcia Patterson Foundation fellowship and a nomination for a National Book Critics Circle Award.她曾获帕特森基金会奖助及美国国家书评圈奖提名等荣誉。

9.Because he was intrigued by hurricane Apcia, Jim took a meteorology class in college but failed it due to his theater commitments .由于对艾丽西亚飓风很感兴趣,吉姆参加了大学里的气象学班却在考试中因为把大量精力投身于戏剧事业而没有及格。

10.She's been a member of PETA basically forever, and Miley better watch out, because in '04 Apcia was voted "Sexiest Female Vegetarian. "她已经是善待动物组织的一员,麦莉小童鞋要注意了,艾丽西娅04年被投票选为“最性感素食者”。