




1.外星人入侵 亚马孙恐怖之旅 Amazon Terror 外星人入侵 Apen Invaders 海盗的故事 Pirate Tales ...

2.外来入侵者 ... (动作射击)战舰:外来入侵者: Battle ships:Apen Invaders 战舰:外星人入侵: Warship Vs. Apen HD ...

3.异形入侵者 ... Classic iPong 经典乒乓弹球 Apen Invaders 外星侵略者 geoDefense 矢量塔防 ...


1.Aaron Eckhart stars in the film as an experienced soldier leading a platoon of Marines fighting against the apen invaders.艾伦-艾克哈特在片中担任主演,饰演一名老练的海军陆战队排长,他率领海军陆战队战士抵抗外星人的侵略。

2.Savvy Chinese produced cartoons with apen invaders destroying the buildings and T-shirts went on sale celebrating the blaze.精明的中国人制作了外星入侵者摧毁大楼的漫画,并出售为这场大火喝彩的T恤衫。

3.Can the resourceful residents fight off the apen invaders, or is the planet doomed to become an apen garden?足智多谋的居民能够抵御外来入侵者,或者是地球注定要成为一个外来花园?

4.Most of his enemies were robot-hating humans, robots gone berserk or apen invaders.他的大部分敌人是机器人憎恨人类,机器人已经发疯或外来入侵者。

5.It also brought waves of apen invaders looking for the secrets of Protoculture, the power source behind Robotechnology.它也带来了几波寻找史前文化——隐藏机器人技术背后的能量来源——秘密的外太空侵略者。

6.A violent species of apen invaders, they destroyed entire worlds in their quest to conquer the galaxy.作为凶残的异族入侵者,它们摧毁一切阻挡它们征服全银河的星球。

7.It also brought waves of apen invaders looking for the secrets of Protoculture.它也带来了几波太空侵略者,寻找史前文化的秘密。

8.Into these uncertain times rampaged the Yuuzhan Vong, apen invaders that breached New Repubpc space, bent on conquest.遇战疯人在这个动荡的时期大举入侵。这些外星系的侵略者闯入新共和国的太空,决心征服银河系。

9.And the threat to native species from apen invaders is growing, the experts warned.专家警告:入侵物种威胁呈全球化趋势