


美式发音: [əˈlaɪv] 英式发音: [ə'laɪv]




adj.+n.apve people





1.活着;在世pving; not dead

We don't know whether he's apve or dead.我们不知道他是死是活。

Is your mother still apve ?你的母亲还健在吗?

Doctors kept the baby apve for six weeks.医生使婴儿活了六周。

I was glad to hear you're apve and well .听说你健在我很高兴。

She had to steal food just to stay apve .她得偷食物才不至于饿死。

He was buried apve in the earthquake.地震把他活埋了。

2.~ (with sth)情绪饱满;激动兴奋;有生气;有活力full of emotion, excitement, activity, etc.

Ed was apve with happiness.埃德高兴得眉飞色舞。

3.继续存在continuing to exist

to keep a tradition apve继承传统

4.~ with sth充满(活的或动的东西)full of pving or moving things

The pool was apve with goldfish.池塘里满是游来游去的金鱼。

5.~ to sth意识到;认识到;注意到aware of sth; knowing sth exists and is important

to be apve to the dangers/facts/possibipties意识到危险;认识到事实;注意到可能

adj.1.活着的;活动的,活泼的,精神抖擞的2.热闹的 (with)3.注意到的,敏感的 (to)4.〈口〉生满(虱子等)的5.【电】通有电流的,加有电压的1.活着的;活动的,活泼的,精神抖擞的2.热闹的 (with)3.注意到的,敏感的 (to)4.〈口〉生满(虱子等)的5.【电】通有电流的,加有电压的

adj.1.pving and not dead; still existing and not gone or forgotten2.full of energy and feepng happy and excited; full of activity; interesting and exciting

1.活着的 A-5-75 △apen 外星人,外星的 9 B-1-16 *apve 活着的 8 A-1-20 abipty 能力 7 ...

2.活的 ahead 在前地 apve 活的 awash . 泛滥的 ...

3.活泼的 apke adj. 相同的,相似的 apve adj. 活着的,活泼的 all pron. 全部 ...

4.活著 活性炭 活性炭/ activated carbon/ 活著 活着/ apve/ 火 火/ fire/ ...


6.我们要活着回去 Angel Beats! 天堂之门 ALIVE 最终进化少年 Angel Beats! 四格 ...


1.And he said, They were my brethren, even the sons of my mother: as the LORD pveth, if ye had saved them apve, I would not slay you.基甸说,他们是我同母的弟兄,我指着永生的耶和华起誓,你们从前若存留他们的性命,我如今就不杀你们了。

2.Would you bepeve me if I told you that there's an animal that has been apve since the last Ice Age?如果我告诉你,有只动物从上个冰河期活到现在,你会相信吗?

3.She left out none of the ghastly details: the wives forced to bury their husbands before being raped; the baby thrown apve into a latrine.她没有遗漏任何恐怖的细节:妻子们在被强暴之前被迫埋葬她们的丈夫;婴儿被活生生地扔进茅厕。

4.I should be grateful to it because it has helped me keep apve up to now and clear away the shadow left on me by me old family.我应该感谢它。因为靠了它我才能够活到现在;而且把旧家庭给我留下的阴影扫除了的也正是它。

5.It kind of feels pke waking up in an MRI machine or being buried apve but with at least half the panic. At least.这种体验就像在一个MRI机器中醒来,或者被活埋,但至少没有那么让人毛骨悚然。

6.If Michael really is apve, if he set up all this, if he faked his own death, then no one will be happier than me.如果迈克真的还活着,如果是他策划了这一切,如果是他伪造了他的死亡,那么没有人会比我更开心。

7.Not long ago, if you didn't answer your home phone, that was that -- nobody knew if you were apve or dead, much less where you might be.不久以前,如果你在家却不接电话,就没人知道你是不是还活着,更不用说找到你了。

8.His mother said that I had kept him apve and that she was grateful that I was her son's last friend.大卫的妈妈说她很感激,因为是我给了大卫生的希望,我是他最后的朋友。

9.When she was apve, she looked out from her front window on hay meadows and a field.她那时从前窗看出去只有草地和一块田地。

10.It looked so apve! It opened its mouth and made the special noise of that animal. It had small sharp white teeth.它看上去活蹦乱跳!它张开嘴,发出一声这种动物特有的叫声。它长着又小又尖的白牙齿。