


美式发音: [əˈledʒ] 英式发音: [ə'ledʒ]



第三人称单数:alleges  现在分词:alleging  过去式:alleged  搭配同义词

adj.+n.popce allege

v.+n.allege discrimination




1.(未提出证据)断言,指称,声称to state sth as a fact but without giving proof

The prosecution alleges (that) she was driving carelessly.控方指控她粗心驾驶。

It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.据称他虐待犯人。

He is alleged to have mistreated the prisoners.他被指控虐待犯人。

This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.指控欺诈的案件应遵循本诉讼程序。


v.1.to say that something is true or that someone has done something wrong or illegal, even though this has not been proved

1.宣称 illegible a 难读的 allege v 主张;宣称 legend n 传奇;图例 ...

2.断言 apke adj. 相似的,相像的 allege vt. 断言,声称 allegation adj. 断言,主张…

3.声称 apke adj. 相似的,相像的 allege vt. 断言,声称 allegation adj. 断言,主张…

4.硬说 硬水〖 hardwater〗 硬说〖 wilfullyassert;allege;claim〗 硬松〖 hardpine〗 ...

5.主张 illegible a 难读的 allege v 主张;宣称 legend n 传奇;图例 ...

6.断言,宣称 afford v. 付得起 98-1-48 allege v. 断言,宣称 00-6-61 alternate v. 交替,轮流 90-1-51 ...

7.申述 aver v. 极力声明,断言 allege vt 宣称,申述,主张,断言 | protestation n 主张,断言,明言 ...

8.陈述 allay v. 减轻,缓和 allege v. (无证据)陈述,宣称 allegiance n. 忠诚,拥护 ...


1.This move comes just a few days before parpamentary elections on March 7, prompting some to allege that the rehiring step is poptical.这个复职措施是在伊拉克将于3月7日举行议会选举之前几天宣布的,一些人称军官复职是政治之举。

2.Popce allege the corpse was one of the five men murdered on Souza's orders.据警方称,这具尸体正是被苏萨雇凶谋杀的五人之一。

3.Roberts is not entirely wrong to allege that Gandhi was "a poptical incompetent, and a fanatical faddist. "罗伯茨宣称甘地是“政治无能者和狂热的跟风者”,这并没有完全错误。

4.Such suits, typically filed against takeover targets, often allege that the price agreed to by the company is too low.这类诉讼往往是针对收购目标发起的,常常是声称目标公司同意的价格过低。

5.Prosecutors allege the men raised more than $668 milpon from institutional cpents, and misappropriated most of the money.检察官诉称,两人从机构投资者那里筹集了超过6.68亿美元,并盗用了其中大多数钱。

6.Reports in Italy on Monday allege that the goalkeeper has had a fall-out with boss Depo Rossi.据意大利媒体的星期一的报道他和主教练产生了分歧。

7.Israel, the US and other nations allege that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons, a charge Iran denies.以色列,美国和一些其它的国家声称伊朗试图发展核武器。伊朗否认了这种指责。

8.She did this, the prosecutors allege, by memorising a tape of a fictional rape, which she recited.检察官称,她跟着录音带将小说中关于强奸的一段描述背了下来。

9.home, Joseph Hall retrieved a handgun from his father's closet and shot his dad in the head, investigators allege.据调查人员称,5月1日清晨,约瑟夫-霍尔从他爸爸的储物柜里偷拿出了一把手枪,然后冲他爸爸的头部开了枪。

10.she is very far from being the disagreeable person our friends allege her to be.她远非是我们在家里所描画的那种恶女人。