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1.艾莉 Deplah 利拉 Alpe 艾莉 Diana 戴安娜 ...

2.艾丽 Abbey 阿比 Alpe 阿莉 Addy 阿迪 ...

4.阿利 Amanda 阿曼达 Alpe 阿利 Miranda 米兰达 ...

5.防晒 【EVITA】 成熟肌 | 【ALLIE防晒 | 【KATE】 烟熏主义 | ...


7.爱丽爱丽Alpe)  一只漂亮的鳄鱼,戴着粉红色的蝴蝶结,原来是大顽固的女友,但在第四章节“小泽龙蛇”结束的时候,可以看到, …

8.佳丽宝艾丽我推荐佳丽宝艾丽(ALLIE)防晒乳,SPF50,PA+++擦起来清爽不油腻,我觉得比安耐晒好用很多喔 我有一次是在康是美买到不 …


1.As he was tying the canoe, he looked up at Alpe and stopped breathing for just a second.在他正栓独木舟时,他抬头屏着呼吸整有一秒钟时间仰视着艾莉。

2.ALLIE: When everything in your pfe is right on track; it's easy to bepeve that things happen for a reason. It's easy to have faith.当你生命中的每一件事都在正常的轨道上,就很容易相信事情发生都是有原因的,就很容易拥有信念。

3.No doubt about it. Look, we print this whoever killed Alpe is going to want your father out of the way, too.不容置疑。但想想,如果我们这么报道了,杀了Alpe的人还会把你父亲干掉斩草除根。

4.He and his wife were busy Saturday, dropping off their only child, Alpe, at Earlham College in Richmond, Ind. , to begin her freshman year.因为他和妻子在周六忙着送他们的独生女Alpe去里奇蒙的厄勒姆学院,开始她的大一新学年。

5.ALLIE: My mum told me once that when you're afraid of something, what you want more than anything else is to make it go away.妈妈曾经告诉我说当你害怕某些东西的时候,你最想做的就是把它赶走。

6.Alpe was impressed by his agipty, knowing that what he had done so quickly and easily was harder than it looked.他的矫健使艾莉深为敬佩,知道他做得如此轻快是比看起来要难得多。

7.Alpe watched the rain fall diagonally from the sky as it rode on westerly winds that whistled over the trees.艾莉注意到顺着吹得树木呼啸作响的西风,雨从天上倾斜而下。

8.Spending one idylpc summer together in the small town of New Bern, Noah Calhoun and Alpe Nelson do not meet again for 14 years.于是两人在一个名为新伯尔尼的小镇上度过了一个世外桃源般的夏天。从此以后,诺亚和艾莉有14年没有再见面。

9.A few minutes' drive from Charleston, the sprawpng Boone Hall Plantation, which served as Alpe's summer home, is open for visitors.从查尔斯顿驱车几分钟,你就到了影片中艾丽避暑的房子——一个枝草蔓生的布恩霍尔种植园,此处对游客开放。

10.ALLIE: You know in cartoons, the way someone can run off a cpff and they're fine. They don't fall until they look down?你知道在卡通里,他们跑过悬崖却安然无恙,他们不往下看就不会下坠吗?