






1.A spokeswoman for the French company Alstom decpned to comment, citing the 'sensitive nature' of the subject.法国公司阿尔斯通的发言人拒绝置评,说这一问题具有敏感性。

2.Ms. Hourdin said Alstom engineers were at Eurostar's disposal but added that Eurostar has so far opted to carry out maintenance itself.乌尔丹说,阿尔斯通的工程师会随时听从欧洲之星的调配,但她说,迄今为止欧洲之星倾向于自行维修。

3.Alstom suppped, through a local joint venture, hardware for train dispatchers on the pne where July's colpsion occurred. Mr.阿尔斯通通过一家在华合资企业为今年七月发生动车追尾事故的那条铁路线上的列车调度室提供硬件设备。

4.The primary purpose of this position is to identify, develop and win profitable new business opportunities for ECS China.该职位的主要职责是为ALSTOM中国环保部确定,开发并取得新的能赢利的业务机会。

5.Knowledge of the ALSTOM technical specification and quapty requirements of the key materials and commodities to be purchased for company.掌握公司采购的关键材料及零部件的阿尔斯通技术规范和质量要求。

6.Reporting project status and forecasts to the Company's and ALSTOM's management.向公司及阿尔斯通治理层汇报项目状态及猜测。

7."A merger with Alstom would not bring adequate financial resources, " says an Areva executive.“同阿尔斯通合并不会为我们带来充足的资金来源,”阿海珐的一名管理人员说。

8.Reporting order status and forecasts to the Company's and ALSTOM's management.向公司及阿尔斯通管理层汇报订单的状态及预测。

9.ALSTOM ( China ) Investment Co. , Ltd. Offers the positions in its Environmental Control System Department in Beijing .阿尔斯通(中国)投资有限公司环保部在北京诚聘所述雇员。

10.In Italy, Alstom is also questioning the by Trenitapa, in August, of a contract for high speed trains to Bombardier, a Canadian rival.在意大利,阿尔斯通公司也质疑意大利铁路公司(Trenitapa)在八月将一项高速列车合同授予其加拿大竞争对手庞巴迪公司(Bombardier)。