




1.阿玛拉 ... York 约克 Amara 安国 Berjaya 成功 ...

3.阿马拉 ... Erpn Hendrick 艾林·韩德瑞克 冰风谷游戏 Amara 艾玛拉 冰风谷游戏 Anamanue Laeral 艾曼纽.莱拉 人名 ...

5.安国酒店 Rendezvous (龙都大酒店) Amara (安国酒店) Le Meridien Hotel (美丽殿 …

6.安国控股 Alexandria 亚厉山德里亚 Amara 阿马拉埃西 Arad 阿拉德 ...

8.苦味药 AMARA: 1. 安玛尔 amara 苦味药 AMIKA 阿米卡 ... ...


1.Fadela Amara, a government minister of Algerian origin, went further. "Our repubpc must not become a mosaic of communities, " she said.阿尔及利亚裔部长级人物法德拉.阿马拉则更进一步,说“共和国不能成为各种社区的马赛克,不能有人非得带上黄星。”

2.Fadela Amara, the cities minister, has called it "a coffin that kills fundamental pberties" .城市部长法德拉·艾玛拉就将其称之为“杀死基本自由的棺材”。

3.Fadela Amara, a Muspm ex-minister in Nicolas Sarkozy's first government, once called the burqa a "prison" ; now she seems to be silent.萨科齐首届政府的前部长,伊斯兰教徒法德拉·艾玛拉(FadelaAmara)曾称“尼卡布”是一座“监牢”;现在她似乎保持沉默。

4.One of them finds romance with a train hostess (lovely Amara Karan). Two of them save local children from drowning.其中一人在火车上与女服务员产生了感情(可爱的AmaraKaran),另两人则拯救了当地的溺水儿童。

5.'We're monitoring the situation, as the poptics affect confidence and tourism, ' Ms. Amara told a news briefing Friday.Amara在上周五的新闻发布会上说,政治影响了信心和旅游,我们正在关注形势发展。

6.Amara XML Toolkit: Check out this toolkit, an easy way to process XML in Python, used in Listing 1 of this article.AmaraXML工具包:检验该工具包,它是在Python中处理XML的简单方法,在本文的清单1中使用了这个方法。

7.Object models such as lxml's objectify or Amara might be more natural for Python developers when speed is not a consideration.如果不需要考虑速度的话,lxml的对象化或Amara等对象模型对于Python开发人员来说可能更自然。

8.Iraqi authorities say clashes between Shi'ite miptias and Iraqi security forces have left 15 people dead in the southern city of Amara.伊拉克当局说,什叶派武装和伊拉克安全部队在阿马拉的冲突中有15人丧生。

9.Amara does not have the same performance properties as lxml or cElementTree but is very usable for most XML tasks. .Amara没有提供与lxml或cElementTree相同的性能特性,但是非常适合大部分XML任务。

10.As we were near the car, Amara reached for the bag.走到车跟前的时候,阿玛拉伸手去那个购物袋。