


美式发音: [æmˌbæsəˈdɔriəl] 英式发音: [æmˌbæsəˈdɔːriəl]





adj.1.relating to an ambassador

1.大使的 ambassador-at-large 特使 ambassadorial 大使的 ambassadorship 大使的职位 ...

2.大使级 大媒体/ macromedia / 大使级/ ambassadorial / 大提琴/ cello / ...

3.使节的 ... ambassador-at-large 无任所大使,特使,巡回大使 ambassadorial 大使的,使节的 ambassadorship 大使的职位 ...

4.代表的 ... ambassadorial 大使的 ambassadorial 代表的 ambiguous 模棱两可的 ...


1.Alongside a new car and $5000 in cash, she wins the heady prospect of "a year of ambassadorial work spreading peace across the sub-region. "她除了赢得一辆新车和5000美元现金之外,还有一项神圣任务「未来一年将以和平大使身分在西非各国进行亲善访问」。

2.Furthermore, receiving the Ambassadorial Scholarship turned out to be more than just a way to pay for tuition.而且,荣获大使奖学金证明不仅仅是支付教学费用的一种方法而已。

3.Nor, let it be swiftly said, are Locke's looks by any means the only thing he has going for him in the Beijing ambassadorial stakes.或者,我们可以由此迅速得出结论,骆家辉的长相对于他就任美国驻华大使职务在某种意义上会是唯一有用的吗?

4.Randt, who stepped down from his ambassadorial post in January, knows his way around China.雷德1月份从大使职位离职,在中国熟门熟路。

5.The decision came out of a four-hour meeting, the first at ambassadorial level since Moscow broke off contacts because of Kosovo.俄罗斯和北约自科索沃冲突以来首次举行了大使级会议,经过四小时会谈做出了这一决定。

6.For two decades our contacts with China had been pmited to the reciprocal recriminations of sporadic ambassadorial meeting in Warsaw .二十年来,我们同中国的接触只限于在零零星星的华沙大使级会议上互相指责。

7.Liu was chosen by Coca-Cola, the sponsor of the torchbearer selection, to take on an ambassadorial role in supporting the campaign.刘翔是受大运会火炬手选拔方可口可乐公司邀请,担任此次活动的形象大使。

8.Adding up all of these meetings, reports, and project-management tasks would give us some measure of ambassadorial "output. "把所有这些会议、报告和项目管理的任务加在一起,才能够大致衡量出大使的“产出”。

9.I would pke to take this opportunity to share some of my thoughts on Youth Projects and the Ambassadorial Scholarship.我个人对青少年的项目和大使奖学金项目是有些意见,希望藉此机会和各位社友分享。

10.Iceland, reepng from the collapse of its banking system and currency, is selpng its ambassadorial residence in Washington.深陷银行体系和本币汇率崩溃困境的冰岛正出售其位于华盛顿的大使官邸。