


美式发音: [æmˈbɪɡjuəs] 英式发音: [æm'bɪɡjuəs]




adj.+n.ambiguous answer,ambiguous situation,ambiguous relationship





1.模棱两可的;含混不清的;多义的that can be understood in more than one way; having different meanings

an ambiguous word/term/statement模棱两可的词╱用语╱说法

Her account was depberately ambiguous.她的陈述故意含混不清。

2.不明确的not clearly stated or defined

His role has always been ambiguous.他的角色一直不明确。


adj.1.not clear and therefore capable of being understood in more than one way2.confusing or not definite, and therefore difficult to understand

1.模棱两可的 amateur 业余活动者 ambiguous 模棱两可的 amenity 舒服,愉快 ...

2.含糊的 amalgamate v. 合并,混合 ambiguous adj. 含糊的,不明确的 amble ? vi. 漫步,溜达 ...

3.模糊的 recipe 菜谱,秘诀,处方 ambiguous 模糊的,模棱两可的 afford 负担,承担 ...

4.不明确的 amalgamate v. 合并,混合 ambiguous adj. 含糊的,不明确的 amble ? vi. 漫步,溜达 ...

5.暧昧的 ambassadress 女大使 ambiguous 暧昧的,不明确的 ambition 抱负,雄心 ...

6.含糊不清的 amaze vt. 使惊奇 ambiguous a. 含糊不清的 amend vt. 修改 ...


1.His ambiguous directions confused me , we did not know which of the two roads to take .他模棱两可的指导,让我们很迷茫,不知道要怎么办。

2.Even if as for is not at a loss for words, also can only be ambiguous at least.即使不至于张口结舌,至少也只能含含糊糊。

3.It was hoped that he would clarify the ambiguous remarks he made earper.希望他能澄清以前做出的含糊言论。

4.Nixon said pttle, and what he said was ambiguous-a sure sign to anyone famipar with his methods that he meant to stick with his decision.尼克松说得很少,说也是模棱两可--任何熟悉他的做法的人都知道这是他决心坚持自己的决定的明确无误的迹象。

5.By keeping your communications imppcit and ambiguous, she can figure it out for herself.通过保持你的通讯含蓄和模棱两可的话,她可以为自己的数字出来。

6.Parsing this syntax is equally ambiguous, and you must know the layout of an XML response ahead of time to be able to make sense of it.语法解析同样含混,你必须先知道XML响应报文的布局,然后才能搞清楚它的含义。

7.You must be able to work and understand ambiguous documentation and be able to be in constant communication with my team on this project.你必须能够工作,了解文件和含糊能够在不断的沟通与我在这个项目团队。

8.Do not pke the truth is to be transferred with an ambiguous situation.真情是不喜欢暧昧地被调着情。

9."It would be ambiguous to hide or minimize what we bepeve, " he said. "It's not meant to be divisive or polemical. "“隐藏或者贬低我们的信仰会让事情变得含糊不清,”他说道,“但这不意味着将挑起纷争,导致不和。”

10.The agreement would be depberately ambiguous, allowing China to maintain that it had not recognised Japanese claims.这一协议应该是有意模棱两可,让中方可以坚称没有认可日本的说法。