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网络释义:超微(Advanced Micro Devices);超微半导体;年龄相关性黄斑变性


abbr.1.age-related macular degeneration

1.超微(Advanced Micro Devices)超微(AMD)全面点燃反攻战火,近期除抢攻服务器平台大饼,亦取得3大游戏主机合作订单,且面对全新行动装置世代来临,继 …

2.超微半导体美商超微半导体(AMD)公司2006年上市散热设计功率(thermaldesignpower,TDP)为65W的节能型双核心AMDAthlon64X2处理 …

3.年龄相关性黄斑变性在年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD),病理性近视等疾病中,对黄斑区脉络膜新生血管(CNV)的治疗一直是眼科界棘手的问题之一。近年 …

4.超威超威(AMD)最新处理器,新超威(AMD)主板以及芝奇内存频率超频到:3900MHz 微软Surface Pro 上市日期:2013年04月 相关 …

5.老年性黄斑变性老年性黄斑变性AMD)是一种与年龄相关的严重影响视功能的眼病,病因不明,大多在50 岁以后发生,并随年龄增长而增加…

6.超微公司超微公司AMD)成功挖角原英特尔Itanium处理器的高级设计师Samuel Naffziger,和他在科罗拉多州柯林斯堡的8位同事。 N…



1.AMD will be announcing its "Project WIN" this Wednesday as a follow-up to a massive layoff move that was announced a few days ago.在前几天宣布的大规模裁员之后,AMD接下来将在本周三宣布一项称为“胜利工程”的改革方案。

2.Even small increases in waist size seem to raise the risk of AMD by up to 75 per cent. But women do not appear to be affected.即使腰围增长很少,罹患AMD的几率也会增加,最高可至75%,然而女性在这方面并未受影响。

3.Chip maker Advanced Micro Devices Inc. has won a place in one of the best-known laptop personal-computer pnes, the ThinkPad.片制造商高级微设备公司(AdvancedMicroDevicesInc.,简称AMD)在最知名笔记本电脑品牌之一ThinkPad中赢得了一个位置。

4.Prosecutors also reaffirmed that AMD had no knowledge of Pani's actions and did not benefit from his theft.检举人同时也确认了AMD对潘尼的所为并不知情,从中也没有任何获益。

5.The specific complaint against Intel, brought by its smaller rival, AMD, was that it had bribed PC-makers to buy its own processors.规模较小的行业竞争者闪龙公司针对英特尔公司进行了投诉,据称,后者贿赂个人电脑制造商购买其处理器。

6.As described in the PNAS paper, about one-third (29 percent) of people with a Factor H risk variant had not been diagnosed with AMD.正如PNAS的一篇文章所描述的那样,大约三分之一(29%)携带因子H突变的人没有患AMD。

7.Only a year has passed since AMD officially spun off its manufacturing division with the help of ATIC.只有一年过去了AMD公司正式剥离与阿蒂奇帮助其制造部门。

8.AMD CEO Hector Ruiz has said he expects the company to return to profitabipty by the second half of 2008.AMD的首席执行官鲁毅智不断表示,他期望公司会在2008年下半年重返正常盈利的道路。

9.As Intel and AMD move down into their market, they are trying to move up, by challenging Intel in the market for small laptops and MIDs .随着英特尔和AMD逐渐渗入他们的市场,他们也在努力将扩张市场,在小型笔记本和移动互联设备市场对英特尔发出挑战。

10.Now Intel has to slug it out with ARM, a British firm.如今,英特尔与英国公司ARM合作,重重打击了AMD。