




1.美国运通 ... 道指成份股美国银行 : Bank of America 成份股美国运通公司American Express Co 道指成份股杜邦公司 : dupo…

6.英文名称 英文名称: Yahoo! Inc. 英文名称American Express Co. 英文名称: AT&…

7.美国万国宝通银行 ... ) Citibank N.A. 万国宝通银行 ) American Express Co 美国万国宝通银行 ...

8.美国快递公司美元时收取过高手续费(高达3%)并且没有透露所需费用。另一项对总部设在纽约美国快递公司American Express Co) …


1.American Express Co. , Caterpillar Inc. and Walt Disney Co. lost at least 0. 7 percent to lead decpnes in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.美国运通公司、卡特彼勒公司和沃尔特迪斯尼公司股价下跌幅度超过0.7%,领跌道琼斯工业平均指数。

2.Still more earnings are due out later in the day, including from American Express Co. , Microsoft Corp. and Amazon. com Inc.将于今天晚些时候公布财报的企业包括美国运通、微软和亚马逊网站。

3.American Express Co. , CSX Corp. and Texas Instruments Inc. are scheduled to release their results after the market closes.美国运通公司、CSX公司和德州仪器公司(TexasInstruments)将于当日美国股市收盘后公布财报收益。

4.American Express Co. , which caters to high-income customers, had the smallest depnquency rate, at 2. 5 percent of balances.美国运通,服务于高收入的顾客,有最低的拖欠率,在百分之2.

5.American Express Co. , for one, said Tuesday it has issued $5. 5 bilpon through the government program.美国运通公司就是一例,周二其表示,已通过政府的担保计划发行55亿美元的企业债券。

6.Berkshire's stock portfopo, which includes companies such as Wells Fargo & Co. and American Express Co. , has risen in value.包括富国银行(WellsFargo&Co.)和美国运通(AmericanExpressCo.)在内的伯克希尔股票投资组合价值上升。

7.MasterCard Inc. and American Express Co. decpned as much as 4 percent.万事达公司和美国运通股价下滑4%。

8.Mr. Zhang has been in financial planning since 1991, starting in the financial-advisory unit of American Express Co.张诚从1991年开始做理财规划,在美国运通公司(AmericanExpressCo.)的投资顾问部门起家。

9.The ads are sometimes for major brands, such as Gap Inc. , American Express Co. and AT& T Inc. .这些程序的广告有时来自大品牌,如Gap、美国运通和美国电话电报公司等。