




1.阿米里 Kpya 可丽娅 Amiri 爱米丽 Bala 芭拉 ...


1.Amiri said he had been kidnapped, but the United States said he wasn't held against his will.阿米里自己也表示他被绑架,但是美国否认对其强制扣留。

2.Amiri said he suffered extreme mental and physical torture at the hands of U. S. interrogators.阿米里称,他遭受了美国审问人员极端的精神及肉体折磨;

3.Iranian officials have repeatedly complained, during the past year, that Amiri had been kidnapped while on a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia .伊朗官员去年不断宣称阿米里在去沙特阿拉伯朝觐时被绑架。

4.What happened to Amiri and how he came to be in the United States remains unclear.至于在阿米里身上发生了什么,他如何出现在美国,还不得而知。

5.The United States, which has denied kidnapping Amiri, has not commented on the latest developments.美国否认绑架了阿米里,目前尚未对最新的事件进展表态。

6.Mr Amiri's strange odyssey, Iranian jubilation and American embarrassment are all, somehow, part of this secret war.而Amiri先生奇异的冒险行程、伊朗的欢呼雀跃和美国的尴尬窘困,某种程度上,都是这场秘密战争的整个组成部分。

7.Amiri Howe, 24, recalled seeing Mr Tompnson being hit "near the head" with a popce baton.24岁的艾米丽豪回忆当时情景汤姆林森先生是被警棍击中“靠近头部”的位置。

8.In his news conference, Amiri spoke of being interrogated by "Israep agents " .在新闻发布会上,阿里米说他被“以色列特工”审问。

9.But Amiri purportedly has given confpcting accounts in videos appearing on the Internet in recent weeks.但是据说在近一周的网络中流传出了关于Amiri发生冲突的录像。

10.An Iranian nuclear scientist, Shahram Amiri, has returned home claiming that American agents kidnapped him.伊朗一位核武器科学家ShahramAmiri(赫拉姆・阿米里)回到国内声称美国特工绑架了他。