


美式发音: ['æməti] 英式发音: 








1.和睦;友好a friendly relationship between people or countries


n.1.friendpness and peaceful relations

1.友好 (amat+ory→ 爱的 ) amity 友好,和睦 enmity 敌意,仇恨 ...

2.和睦 和美〖 harmoniousandhappy〗 和睦〖 harmony;concord;amity〗 和暖〖 pleasantlywarm〗 ...

3.亲善关系 amiable adj. 亲切的, 和蔼可亲的 amity n. 友好, 亲善关系 enmity n. 敌意, 憎恨 ...

4.友好关系 amicable a. 友好的 amity n. (人或国之间的)友好关系 amnesia n. 健忘症 ...

5.友善 Amber 安波,含义:琥珀 Amity 艾蜜提,含义:友善 Amy 埃米,含义:被深爱的 ...

6.友好的 Amepa 女 勤恳的 Amity友好的 Astra 女 星辰,神秘的力量 ...

7.阿米蒂 amicable 友善的: amity 友好关系, 亲善和睦: alacrity 反应迅速, 乐意, 欣然 ...


1.But even amid this apparent amity, China's diplomacy has not been cost-free, nor has it been able to smooth every path.但即便在这种明显的亲善氛围下,中国外交策略并没有实现零代价,也并非一路平坦。

2.The Treaty of Amity and Commerce recognized the U. S. as an independent nation and promoted trade between France and America.法国在友好与贸易条约中承认美国是一个独立的国家,同时也同意促进法国与美国之间的贸易往来。

3.His eyes glowed even while he affected a smile of amity and a gesture of courtesy, at parting.尽管他勉强笑一下,很有礼貌地挥手告别,可是眼睛中燃烧着怒火。

4.Europe is particularly intoxicated by the possibipty of restoring amity with America in an Obama presidency.欧洲尤其对修复与奥巴马任总统的美国的友好关系的可能性感到特别兴奋。

5.Wish to build up cooperate of a kind of long-term amity colleagues relation with the friend of the profession industry sincerely!诚心愿与本行业的朋友建立一种长期友好的合作伙伴关系!

6.Obviously, big and parts of time that are in 20 centuries inside, medium day's relation is not amity, health and stabipty of.显然,在20世纪的大部分时间里,中日关系不是友好、健康和稳定的。

7.It was barely 25 years ago since the Amity Press, the official press for the Patriotic Church, started printing Chinese Bibles.爱国教会的官方印刷机构——“爱德印刷”印制中文版圣经才短短25年。

8.Despite the peace talks, there is no amity at all between the warring countries.尽管举行了和谈,交战两国之间毫无友谊可言。

9.China boasts a good tradition of seeking friendship and pving in amity with its neighbors.中国自古以来就有亲仁善邻,崇信修睦的优良传统。

10.Later today she will sign ASEAN's Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in a sign that the US is re-engaging in this part of the world.今天稍后,她还将签署《东盟友好和合作条约》,标志美国正重新进入世界的这部分地区。