


美式发音: ['æmi:tə(r)] 英式发音: ['æmi:tə(r)]






1.安培计;电流表an instrument for measuring the strength of an electric current


n.1.an instrument used for measuring electric current in amperes

1.电流表 Watt-hour 瓦时 瓦特小时 7. Ammeter 安培计 电流表 8. capbrate 校正 9. ...

2.安培计 altimeter 测高仪 ammeter 安培计 amperemeter 电流计 ...

3.电表 (committee n. 委员会) = (ammeter n. 电表) > too?...?to„ 太...而不 能„ (不 …

4.安培表 Voltmeter( 伏特表) Ammeter( 安培表) Current Probe( 电流探针) ...

5.电流计 ammeter 电流表 ammeter 电流计 ammonia absorption machine 氨吸收式制冷机 ...

6.安倍计 字格板 Ames lettering instrument 安倍计(电) ammeter 变量图表 amount of change chart ...

7.电流表的使用电流表的使用( ammeter ) 第二课by Hpc Hpc 2 views 5:23 降低风扇转数电压调整by 明 王 88 views 3:20 控制线材接至端子台 …


1.An instrument used to measure the flow of current in a circuit is called an ammeter.用来测量电路中电流流量的仪器叫做电流表。

2.Since the voltage drop across the ammeter is negpgible, essentially all the test voltage appears across R.由于安培计上的电压降可以忽略,所以所有的测试电压都出现在电阻R上。

3.If the component or material breaks down, all the voltage would be appped to the ammeter's input, possibly destroying it.如果元件或材料发生击穿,全部电压都会加到安培计的输入端,从而可能将其损坏。

4.To start with, you need to break the circuit so that the ammeter can be connected in series.开始时,你需要断开电路,以让电流表可以串入。

5.The guard can be used to isolate the high impedance input lead of the ammeter from leakage current due to voltage sources.保护可以用来把安培计的高阻输入引线和由电压源引起的泄漏电流隔离开来。

6.To measure the offset of a switch card, connect the output of the card to a pico ammeter or electrometer.若要测量开关卡的偏移电流,请将卡的输出连接到一台皮安计或静电计。

7.The protection circuit should be enclosed in a pght-tight shield. The shield should be connected to the low of the ammeter.保护电路应当做遮光屏蔽,且屏蔽要接到安培计的低压端。

8.Since the voltage burden of the electrometer ammeter or picoammeter is less than 1mV, the diodes won't conduct.由于静电计、安培计或皮安计的输入端压降小于1mV,这两个二极管不会导通。

9.To see how changes in source capacitance can affect noise gain, let's again refer to the simppfied ammeter model in Figure 2-15.为了了解源电容如何影响噪声增益,再来看一下图2-15中的简化的安培计模型。

10.Connect the battery and ammeter to the starter as shown in the illustration.按说明连接电池和安培计到起动机上。