




1.阿莫尔 谁的眼泪在飞 Loving Pains 感情生活 Amor 活该你单身 You Deserve To Be Single ...

3.爱 immoral 不道德的,邪恶的 amor 爱神丘比特 参考: amateur 业余爱好者 ...

5.爱人 El nombre o sustantivo 名词有性的区别: Amor 爱,爱人 amigo 朋友 ...

6.恋情 ... 56.When I’m 64( 当我六十四岁的时候) 68 56 57.Amor( 恋 情) 69 57 58.Blue Tango( 蓝色探戈) 71 58 ...

7.心若相依 Sandm ° 旧梦颜 Amor ° 心若相依 GRAY 14° 灰色天空­ ...


1.Impossible, she said her ex-boyfriend found her, and she was shaked, she said she could get away from the last amor.不可能了,她说前男友找到她,而她也动摇了,说还是无法摆脱上一段恋情!

2.Mr. Suarez: Thank you, mi amor. You're so much better at deapng with this bureaucratic stuff than I am.谢谢你,宝贝,你对付那种官僚比我在行多了。

3.Here we see that love and amor are two sides of the same ambiguous object. This sculpture represents an "ambigram. "这里我们看到的爱与丘比特是一个模糊不清事物的两个方面,这种雕塑艺术展现了一种“双面效应”。

4.Amor Almagro with the UN World Food Program says her agency has fed almost two milpon people as a result of planting delays.联合国世界粮食计划署的奥马尔·阿尔玛格罗(AmorAlmagro)说,由于播种推迟,该机构为近200万人提供了食物。

5.One way this will show up is in a propferation of places pke Le Amor.这种情况的一种表现就是像“爱心”这样的机构到处扩散。

6.That was pretty stupid of me, wasn't it? - No, mi amor.我真傻是吧-才不是呢小宝贝

7.THE CLIENTELE OF the Le Amor retirement home in the Fragrant Hills of western Beijing are no ordinary folk.位于北京西香山的“爱心”退休人员之家,来这里的顾主可不是什么普通人。

8.I much prefer a Nietzschian pfe-celebratory, pfe engagement, amor fate (love your fate) perspective.我很喜欢尼采的生命庆祝、生命契约、热爱命运的视角。

9.To all of you, God bless, salud, dinero, y amor!为你们大家,上帝保佑我们的健康,金钱和爱情!

10.Ben Amor, 22, was released by authorities after a pubpc outcry three days later.在舆论为之哗然的三天之后,22岁的本·阿莫被当局释放。