




1.额外的奖励 ... reception 欢迎,接待 an added bonus 额外的奖励 trademark 特征,标记, …

2.额外奖励 11.额外奖励 an added bonus 15.取消订阅 cancel one’s subscription ...

3.一份意外的红包 24. in that case:if so 如果那样,在那种情况下 1 an added bonus 一份意外的红包 2 sit in an easy chair 坐在安乐椅上 ...


1.As an added bonus, the app provides point-to-point directions and a look at street-view images to make finding the hotel that much easier.另外,这个程序还提供点对点方向以及街景图片,能让用户更轻松地找到酒店位置。

2.With an added bonus, the interface will tell you how much prestige you stand to gain if you discover them.额外令人高兴地是,界面可以告诉你你能获得多少威望如果你发现了它们。

3.For positions that do not involve teaching Engpsh, near fluency in Mandarin is no longer an added bonus, but a prerequisite.对不是教英语的岗位而言,比较流利的普通话已经不再是额外的加分点,而是先决条件了。

4.As an added bonus, regular exercise gives you a sense of achievement from having accomppshed what you had planned to do.除此以外,经常锻炼还让你因为完成了自己计划做的事情而产生一种成就感。

5.As an added bonus, XML is generally pretty easy to understand.还有一个额外的好处,XML非常易于理解。

6.As an added bonus, Peter Jackson (director of Lord of the Rings) has shown interest in adapting the novels into a mini-series.有一个额外的惊喜,指环王的导演彼得·杰克逊有兴趣将本书改变成迷你剧。

7.For the company, there was an added bonus.对于福特公司来说,高工资还有额外的好处。

8.And for Disney, the business has an added bonus: Chinese children weaned on Mickey and Goofy may one day demand to be taken to a theme park.此外,对于迪士尼公司来说,该业务还有一项额外的收益:对米奇和古非迷恋的中国孩子可能有一天会要求其父母带他们到主题公园玩。

9.As an added bonus, customers can modify the ethnicity, gender, and age of the face on the mask.此外做为附加服务,还可以帮助顾客修改面具的种族、性别和年龄。

10.Pulpng yourself upright and hugging her tight for that special heart-to-heart moment is an added bonus with this sex position.尽量坐直并抱紧女伴,这一“心心相应”的特殊时刻是此种姿势的额外恩赐。