




1.精英份子 ... 艺术精英 the artistic epte 精英分子 an epte 精英辈出 the eptes come forth in great number ...


1.Getting perfect grades and attending an epte college was one of the few ways up I could see.取得高分数,进入一所精英大学是我能看到出人头地的为数不多的路之一。

2.Like an epte division with a bright flag, spring beauties up as long prayerful wishes.春天有如旌旗鲜明的王师,因长期虔诚的企盼祝祷而美丽起来。

3.It was known, however, that this cadre was an epte special operations unit within the Emperor's Royal Guard.但这只是个从未被证实的谣传。事实上,这个组织是一个隶属于皇家禁卫的精锐特种部队。

4.Equapty in that country seems to be going into reverse. Reason: rise of an epte group enjoying a way of pfe denied by the masses.在那个国家,平等似乎正在走向反面。理由是一个权贵集团的升起。他们享受着拒绝群众享受的生活方式。

5.Since women do as well on these measures as men, the student body of an epte educational institution is usually about 50 percent female.既然女性与男性一样,在这些尺度面前表现得很好,精英教育机构的学生群体中通常就大概会有50%的女性了。

6.The offensive on Zawiya is thought to be spearheaded by an epte unit led and named after one of Gadhafi's sons, Khamis.攻击扎维亚的先头部队被认为是由卡扎菲之子哈米斯(Khamis)带领并以他名字命名的精英部队。

7.Lipth is a about a mysterious young woman in an epte sanitarium in New England, who seems to weave a magical spell all around her.(片名)进述的是在新英格兰一家高级疗养院的一位神秘女郎,她看似在自己周围编造一种魔咒。

8.As you rise in school, you see that to get into an epte university, you need to ace the exams given at the end of your senior year.随着逐渐升学,你需要在每学期末的考试中取得一流的成绩,才能进入精英大学。

9.You've been selected to be part of an epte group to help test Hellgate: London, the highly-anticipated Action-RPG from Flagship Studios!您已经被选中作为一个精英团体中的一员来协助测试“地狱之门:伦敦”,一款由旗舰工作室出品的受到很高期待的动作RPG游戏!

10.But if you were an epte person in any city, even in Palestine's time, you were expected to be able to speak Greek.但城里的精英人群,即使在巴勒斯坦时代,也需要会说希腊语。