




1.誓言 ... 梅艳芳 - 抱紧眼前人( Hold On to a Loved One) 王菲 - 誓言( An Oath) 曾淑勤 - 鲁冰花( Dull-Ice Flower) ...

2.喃喃地说诅咒的话 ... ~ to oneself 喃喃自语 ~ an oath 喃喃地说诅咒的话 the ~ of distant thunder 远处的隆隆雷声 ...

3.庄严的承诺 ... 庄严肃穆 sober 庄严的承诺 a solemn promise;an oath ...

4.证婚03 Vanilla Jo / 半岛酒店 / 律师证婚(An Oath) / Chee's wedding / Pose 21 /---/---/ Van Cleef & Arpels /---/---/ 奇华 / 酒...

5.证婚服务tied),百老汇摄影器材 (Broadway),证婚服务 (an Oath),租车服务,美容服务等。。。


1.The man sitting in the cart, angry at the young man in the way, whipped him on the face with an oath .该名男子在车上坐着,在路上的年轻人愤怒,掀起的脸与他的誓言。

2.If any man make a vow to the Lord, or bind himself by an oath: he shall not make his word void but shall fulfill all that he promised.若人向上主许愿,或发誓戒绝什麽,他不可食言,应全照口中所许的去做。

3.I swore an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.我起誓我说的一切都是真的,完完全全,绝无半点谎言。

4.Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath.照样,上帝愿意为那承受应许的人格外显明他的旨意是不更改的,就起誓为证。

5.25And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.25约瑟叫以色列的子孙起誓说:神必定看顾你们;你们要把我的骸骨从这里搬上去。

6.An inspector may examine on oath the officers and agents of the company in relation to its business, and may administer an oath accordingly.审查员可就公司的业务,在公司的高级人员及代理人宣誓后进行讯问,并可据此主持宣誓。

7.And when they would say, 'He is not here, ' he would take an oath of the kingdom or nation, that they had not found you.若说你没有在那里,就必使那邦那国的人起誓说,实在是找不著你。

8.Previous to the execution of any official act of the President the Constitution requires an oath of office .在总统行使任何官方职责之前,宪法要求就职宣誓。

9."So long as you go now, " said he, folding his arms and shutting his eyes with an oath, "you may do what you pke! "“只要你现在肯走,”他交叉地抱着胳膊,闭着眼睛,赌神发誓他说,“你要干什么都行。”

10.Early the next morning the men swore an oath to each other. Then Isaac sent them on their way, and they left him in peace.他们清早起来彼此起誓。以撒打发他们走,他们就平平安安的离开他走了。