


美式发音: [ˌænəˈkɑndə] 英式发音: [ˌænəˈkɒndə]






1.水蚺(南美洲蟒蛇)a large S American snake of the boa family, that crushes other animals to death before eating them


n.1.a large tropical South American snake

1.狂蟒之灾前往南美洲,想要拜访世界上体型最大、让人闻之丧胆的巨蟒 (anaconda)。

4.森蚺 anabatic 谷风上升的 anaconda 蟒蛇 anaesthesia 麻木 ...

7.阿纳肯达除了南美洲长7米,捕食鸟类和哺乳动物的阿纳肯达(ANACONDA)蟒蛇外,非洲阿达马瓦(Adamaoua)地区的蟒蛇是世界上最可 …


1.The anaconda wrapped itself around the boy. The grandfather beat the snake with rocks and a knife for half an hour.一条长16英尺,重77磅的水蟒缠绕着这个男孩,老人用石头和刀击打蟒蛇近半个小时。

2.When Easter is attacked by an anaconda Marina takes a machete and hacks the snake's body away, saving the boy's pfe.当伊斯特遭遇森林巨蟒攻击之时,玛丽娜拿起大砍刀猛砍蟒蛇躯体,最终拯救了男孩的性命。

3.Would he feel similarly, I later asked, if Americans were heading to a movie called "Medal of Honor" about Operation Anaconda?我后来问他,如果美国观众去看一部关于蟒蛇行动的叫《荣誉勋章》的电影会如何?

4.Number two, they were gonna be based at LSA Anaconda, so I knew they would have Internet access.第二,他们的据点在LSA水蟒基地,我知道那里可以连接互联网。

5.Perhaps her worst movie was "Anaconda, " about a giant snake that terrorizes a documentary film crew in the Amazon rain forest.也许她拍的最糟糕的电影就是《狂蟒之灾》了,这是一部关于一条使整个在亚马逊热带雨林地区拍摄纪录片的摄制组都感到恐怖的巨蟒。

6.An anaconda also known as Water Boa is found in Northern Africa and in South America.森蚺也叫水蟒,分布于北非和南美,栖息在浅水和湿地中。

7.The snake that tried to eat Jennifer Lopez in the movie Anaconda is not as big as the one we found.在电影《狂蟒之灾》中试图吃掉詹妮弗.洛佩兹的蛇还不如我们发现的这条大。

8.Afghan reinforcements are ready if needed to participate in Operation Anaconda.若有必要,阿富汗的增援部队已为参加蟒蛇行动作好了准备。

9.Unpke snakes that pve in trees or on the ground, the anaconda doesn't have to worry about cpmbing or chasing prey over rough terrain.水蟒不像普通的蛇那样生活在树上或陆地上,它们不用担心爬树或在粗糙的地面上追逐猎物。