




1.天行者阿纳金 ... 复制人骑兵( The Clone Troopers) 阿纳金·天行者( Anakin Skywalker) 欧比旺·克诺比( Obi-Wan Kenob…

3.安纳金·天行者 ... 达斯·西昂( Darth Sion) 安纳金·天行者Anakin Skywalker) 卢克·天行者( Luke Skywalker) ...

4.天行者安纳金e Clones)的设定是在首部曲后十年,欧比王与安那金(Anakin Skywalker)这对师徒的登场,轻易地就可看出主角安那金的危 …


1.During the Battle of Thule, the Harvester was targeted by Anakin Skywalker during the final encounter with the Dark Reaper.在图勒战役中,正当采集器与黑暗收割器进行最终联机时,天行者阿纳金将采集器定为攻击目标。

2.With the Jedi Master dead and Anakin Skywalker haven taken his first irreversible step to the dark side, Sidious grinned.这名绝地大师死了,阿纳金·天行者向黑暗面走出了不可挽回的第一步,于是,西迪厄斯笑了。

3.Anakin Skywalker followed the frozen river to the heart of the geothermal disturbance -- a cavern that cut deep into Nelvaan's surface.阿纳金·天行者顺着冰冻的河流来到地热扰动的根源,一个深深切入内尔万星地表的洞穴。

4.Yoda and others on the Jedi Council watched with reservation as Anakin Skywalker's star began to rise during the Clone Wars.尤达和绝地委员会的其他人带着疑虑的眼神看着阿纳金·天行者成为克隆人战争中一颗冉冉升起的新星。

5.Nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker did not build C-3PO from scratch, but rather rebuilt an older droid that had previous protocol assignments.9岁的阿纳金·天行者并不是从零开始制造C-3PO的,而是对一个原本是礼仪用途的老旧机器人进行了再造。

6.But she had the best Master in the whole galaxy, Anakin Skywalker.但她有整个银河中最优秀的老师——安纳金·天行者。

7.The Chancellor was now Emperor Palpatine, and the once-promising Jedi warrior Anakin Skywalker was his new apprentice, Darth Vader.议长现在成了皇帝帕尔帕廷,而曾经前途无量的绝地武士阿纳金·天行者成了他的新徒弟达斯·维德。

8.This boy was six-year old Anakin Skywalker, skilled enough to reprogram a simple droid unit.这名小男孩儿是一个奴隶的儿子,六岁,名叫阿纳金·天行者,擅长为简单的机器人设备重新编制程序。

9.Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker were found guilty of espionage and sentenced to be executed as per Geonosian traditions.欧比-万·克诺比,帕德梅·阿米达拉和阿纳金·天行者犯有间谍罪,被判处死刑,以吉奥诺西斯人的传统执行。

10.The series once again ensures that Anakin Skywalker and General Grievous do not cross paths.该系列再次确保阿纳金·天行者和格里弗斯将军没有交集。