


美式发音: [ˌænəˈlɪtɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [.ænə'lɪtɪk(ə)l]




adj.+n.analytical mind,analytical tool,analytical laboratory





1.分析的;解析的;分析性的using a logical method of thinking about sth in order to understand it, especially by looking at all the parts separately

She has a clear analytical mind.她头脑清醒,善于分析。

an analytic approach to the problem用分析方法处理这个问题

2.(科学)分析的using scientific analysis in order to find out about sth

analytical methods of research分析研究法


adj.1网站屏蔽ing a method of separating things into their parts in order to examine and understand them

na.1.The variant of analytic

1.分析 ambitious 有雄心的有抱负的 analytical 分析的 anonymous 匿名的 ...

3.善于分析的 amicable 友好的; analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的; ...

4.解析的 oscilloscope 示波器 126. analytical 解析的 127. numerical 数值的 128. ...

5.分析型 generous 慷慨的 analytical 分析性的 competitive 好竞争的 ...


1.She is a project manager for a mainframe manufacturing division of her company. Her cognitive style tends to be analytical.安德烈是一个技术专家对于搜索引擎有着很深的理解他是公司制造部的项目经理她的认知风格倾向于解析型

2.And minuteness being able to see object changes , initiates thereby a thinking, carry out analytical cognition on it's phenomenon.能看到事物的细微变化,从而引发思考,并对其现象进行分析认知。

3.In business, flawed analytical thinking tends to manifest itself, he said, in a focus on growth over development, or bigger over better.在商业领域,Ackoff说,缺陷分析思考倾向于自身发现,经济焦点在于重增长轻发展,重更大轻更好。

4.The total price includes installation, commissioning of the analytical instrument and a basic training of its operation.合同总价包括安装调试,安装现场培训,设备移交用户。

5.The parameter optimization of this kind of fuzzy controllers was studied in detail by means of its precise analytical interpolation model.基于该插值解析表达式,研究了利用遗传算法对这一类模糊控制器进行参数优化的方法。

6.As you grow tired over the course of a day, you become less capable of analytical, high-focus thought and more pkely to sit back and drift.当你一天中逐渐疲惫时,你对分析,高注意力的思考能力越来越少;更可能放松坐在那里“飘离”。

7.The analytical part of my brain says that the best thing would be to leave it here, call it an excellent one-night stand, but I can't.我脑袋的分析部分告诉我最好是就此结束,把它当做一次很美的一夜情,但我做不到。

8.It has been one of the fastest developing and the most widely used methods in analytical chemistry due to its powerful separation capacity.其超强的分离能力使之已成为分析化学中发展最快、应用最广的研究领域之一。

9.The result of analytical computation shows that this parallel structure is isotropic in load-bearing capacity and velocity.分析计算结果表明,该并联结构是承载能力和速度各项同性的。

10.He had some analytical genius, no doubt; but he was by no means such a phenomenon as Poe appeared to imagine.不错,他有些分析问题的天才,但决不是爱伦·坡想象中的非凡人物。