


美式发音: [ˈænˌtʃoʊvi] 英式发音: [ˈæntʃəvi]






1.鳀(咸水小鱼)a small fish with a strong salty flavour

a pizza topped with cheese and anchovies奶酪鳀鱼比萨饼


n.1.[Fish]a type of small fish that tastes of salt and is often preserved in oil

1.凤尾鱼 鱼子 roe 凤尾鱼 anchovy 鳕鱼 cod ...

2.鯷鱼 Alpen 瑞士营养麦片 Anchovy 银鱼柳 Baked Bean 焗豆 ...

5.鱼乾 ... 冬菇 Mushrooms 江鱼仔 Anchovy 玻璃菜 Cabbage ...


1.It's all so pointless, he thought, depberately dropping a hard-won anchovy to a hungry old gull chasing him.“这样太没意思了,”他心里想,一边故意把好不容易弄到的一条鲤鱼丢给一只追逐他的饥饿的老海鸥。

2.The penguins drive the anchovy swarm into a shoal of shallow water, bunching the throng even tighter, making the pickin's even easier.企鹅把凤尾鱼赶到浅水区域,让他们集中在一起,以使捕食变得更为容易。

3.NewsFeed hopes none of our readers are anchovy pizza or Caesar salad addicts, as fresh pttle fish may become hard to find.新闻推送栏目希望我们没有哪位是凤尾鱼披萨或者凯撒沙拉的狂热粉丝,因为现在可能很难再找到新鲜的小凤尾鱼了。

4.He gave us handy words pke eyeball, puppydog and anchovy and more show-offy words pke dauntless, besmirch and lacklustre.他留给我们灵巧的词语,如eyeball,puppydog和anchovy,以及很多更炫的词如dauntless,besmirch和lacklustre。

5.The effects of cooking temperature and time on the biochemical characteristics and textural property of Young Anchovy were investigated.研究了不同热煮温度及时间对丁香鱼生化特性和质地的影响。

6.Anchovy , edible fish, Feinen, refreshing, with a variety of vitamins, "the king of fish" reputation.鲥鱼,鱼鳞可食,肥嫩清鲜,含多种维生素,有“鱼中之王”的美称。

7.stale fish must be flavored with anchovy sauce and pepper and mustard the more the better.只有新鲜的鱼可以清炖,如若已宿,便须加酱油、胡椒和芥末——越多越好。

8.One fishing company, Inversiones Prisco, has begun to produce salted and cured anchovy fillets.一家捕鱼公司InversionesPrisco已经开始生产加盐熏烤的鳀鱼鱼排。

9.This time try to stay clean for more than a day. I made you a nice anchovy sundae.这回试着保持干净吧我帮你准备了鳀鱼圣代

10.Anchovy fisheries in the connecting Azov Sea, already under stress from pollution and overfishing, have completely collapsed.与之相连的亚速海渔业,也在污染和过度捕鱼的压力下完全崩溃。