




1.古埃及 “China”(《 中国》) “Ancient Egypt”(《 古代埃及》), “Eastern African History”(《 东非史》),1967, ...

3.古埃及区 ... 3. Sci Fi City( 科幻城市) 主题区: 4. Ancient Egypt( 古埃及区) 主题区: 5. Lost World( 失落的世界) 主题区: ...

4.古埃及文明 ... Unit 06 The Culture of Egypt 埃及文化 Theme:Ancient Egypt 古埃及文明 Unit 07 Ancient Greece 古希腊文明 ...

5.古埃及王国 ... 5 图西人 Tutsi 6 古埃及人 Ancient Egypt 7 喇嘛教 Lamaism ...

7.古埃及索引 ... Caravaggio 卡拉瓦乔 绘画 Ancient Egypt 古埃及索引 The Art of the Celts 新石器时代的艺术 ...


1.Ramesses II is was the third king of the 19th dynasty Egypt, and is often regarded as the most celebrated of ancient Egypt's pharaohs.拉美西斯二世是埃及第19王朝的第三位君主,他常常被认为是古埃及最了不起的法老。

2.I was still in a corner of the humble found a BC in ancient Egypt, the stone engraved with the cuneiform , carefree and send the idea.我还在一个不怎么起眼的角落里发现过一座公元前的古埃及石碑,上面刻满了楔形文字,令人悠然而发思古之情。

3.Of all the wonders of ancient Egypt, Ramesses the Great's capital- the city of Pi-Ramesse, was one of the most spectacular.在古埃及所有奇观中,拉姆西斯大帝的首都派拉姆西城是其中最为壮观的一个。

4.Moreover, one pair of ancient Egypt ignorant of the people, any of his on the Sphinx can be ignored by the demonstration.而且,对于一个对古埃及学一无所知的人而言,他的任何关于狮身人面像的论证都是可以置之不理的。

5.Nefertari ? She was one of the most beautiful woman in the history of ancient Egypt, and a symbol of beauty and wisdom.她是最漂亮的女人在古埃及历史,智慧和美丽的象征。

6.Cleopatra VII, the last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, has always been a cultural figure, renowned for her alluring beauty.克娄巴特拉七世,古埃及的未世法老,一直是一个文化形象,因绝世美貌而闻名。

7.At least ten American organizations provide educational programs with a specialty in studies of ancient Egypt.美国至少有十一个机构提供的古埃及学研究专业教育课程。

8.The pbrarian of ancient Egypt was often of high poptical position or trained in other professions besides that of scribe.古代埃及的图书馆员往往在政治上居于高位,除受文官教育外,还受过其它专业的训练。

9.The people of Ancient Egypt bepeved that death on Earth was the start of a journey to the next world.古埃及人相信:此生的死亡即通往死后世界旅程的开始。

10.In Ancient Egypt, when a poor person died, his body was merely enclosed in a thick layer of bitumen to keep out the air.在古埃及,穷人死后,他的躯体仅用厚厚的一层沥青包起来以隔绝空气。