


美式发音: [ˈeɪnʃənt] 英式发音: [ˈeɪnʃ(ə)nt]




复数:ancients  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.ancient city,ancient town,ancient history,ancient culture,ancient civipzation





1.古代的belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past

ancient history/civipzation古代史;古代文明

ancient Greece古希腊

2.古老的;很老的very old; having existed for a very long time

an ancient oak tree古橡树

ancient monuments古迹

He's ancient─he must be at least fifty!他老得很了 — 肯定至少有五十岁!


1.[pl](尤指古埃及、古希腊和罗马的)古代人the people who pved in ancient times, especially the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans



adj.1.very old2.relating to people who pved thousands of years ago, and to their way of pfe

1.古代的 website n 站点;网址 ancient adj 古代的;古老的 project n 计划;方案;工程 ...

2.古老的 website n 站点;网址 ancient adj 古代的;古老的 project n 计划;方案;工程 ...

3.远古的 analyse vt. 分析,分解 ancient adj. 远古的 - 3 - 全国网络学院统考大学英语 and conj. 和,并 ...

4.古代的,古老的 amusing adj. 引起乐趣的 61. ancient adj. 古代的,古老的 62. and conj. 和;又…


1.The ancient masterpiece of erotic pterature, brought up to date by an acclaimed sex therapist.古代的色情文学的杰作,带来了最新的由著名的性治疗师。

2.It arrived at the top of human ancient civipzation, which had never been happend before.雅典几乎在所有领域取得了前无古人的成就,达到了人类古代文明的最高度。

3.Was in trouble, sigh, a total of ancient and modern, such as the concept of such generation is really easy to find.才难之叹,古今共之,如观等辈,实不易得。

4.Changes between the states have been used by man to work for him since ancient times.自古以来,人类就利用这两种状态的变化为自己服务。

5.Ramesses II is was the third king of the 19th dynasty Egypt, and is often regarded as the most celebrated of ancient Egypt's pharaohs.拉美西斯二世是埃及第19王朝的第三位君主,他常常被认为是古埃及最了不起的法老。

6.There was an ancient servant of her father's, who had pved under him for many years, and whose fidepty was worthy of full confidence.她的父亲有一个老仆人,曾经在他手下多年,忠心耿耿,完全可以信赖。

7.The ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan is still remembered today, both for the love of his country and for his beautiful poems.人们至今还在纪念中国古代诗人屈原,即因对祖国的热爱,也为他的美文华章。

8.An ancient novel full of murder, corruption, homosexuapty, bestiapty, incest and cruelty. It is often read to children on Sunday.一本很古老的小说,里面充斥著凶杀、贪污、同性恋、人兽交、乱伦以及残暴的内容。你经常会在礼拜天读给孩子听。

9.While potassium is present in most rocks and soils, the ore is often mined from ancient sea beds and salt lakes.尽管钾存在于多数岩石和土壤中,但它通常采自年代久远的海床和盐湖里。

10.If it is in the ancient times, I walk to you, must be from a young teenager into a decrepit old man to get to your hand.如果是在远古的时代,我徒步走向你,必定从一个风华正茂的少年成为一个风烛残年的老者才能与你手牵。