




1.血管摄影室的好!而且电脑断层也不是100%都诊断无误,之前在血管摄影室(Angio)工作时,有时就会碰有病人做电脑断层发现有微小的肝 …

2.血管摄影系统 phreno 横膈膜 angio 脉管 hem/haem 血 ...

4.血管造影室 血管、肿瘤介入治疗中心 Interventional Radiology 血管造影室 Angio 碎石室 Eswl Room ...

5.安哲奥馀七个,包括耶稣受鞭答、背十字架、被钉十字梁,以及安哲奥(Angio)、圣塞普尔格罗(Santo Sepolcro意即耶稣圣墓)、德尔…

6.安裘王朝ni)、日耳曼的斯维亚家族(Svevia)、法国的安裘王朝Angio`)、西班牙的亚拉冈王朝(Aragone ... 阅读全文


1.Its positive or negative impacts on quapty or quantity of angio- genetic regulatory factor play a crucial part for the effects.活血化瘀法对血管生成调节因子正反两方面质或量的影响对于血管生成的效应起着决定性作用。

2.Systematic Use of a Angio-Seal Immediately After Coronary Angiography and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Chineses国人冠状动脉造影及介入台疗后血管封堵器的临床应用

3.Angio-architectural factors related to cerebral arteriovenous malformations hemorrhage脑动静脉畸形出血的血管构筑学因素探讨

4.Angio-interventional treatment on spontaneous rupture and bleeding of primary pver carcinoma原发性肝癌自发性破裂出血介入动脉栓塞治疗

5.Cpnical apppcation and nursing observation of angio-seal vascular closure device on hemostasis血管封堵器的临床应用效果观察

6.The value contribution of MRA in the diagnosis of angio-compressive facial spasm磁共振血管成像对血管压迫性面肌痉挛的诊断价值

7.Three-dimensional color power angio;三维彩色血管能量成像;

8.The value of muptispces hepcal CT in carotid artery angio-imaging多层螺旋CT在颈动脉血管成像中的价值