


美式发音: ['ænəmi] 英式发音: ['ænəmi]





1.失范,无规范状态(社会准则或价值观的崩溃)a lack of social or moral standards


n.1.instabipty in society caused by the erosion or abandonment of moral and social codes2.a feepng of disorientation and apenation from society caused by the perceived absence of a supporting social or moral framework

1.失范 anomic 道德沦丧 anomie 反常状态 anomy 反常状态 ...

4.社会失范 ... Animateur 发起人,倡导者 Anomie 社会反常状态,混乱 Agenda 21 二十一世纪议程 ...

6.社会反常状态 社会地理学 social geography 社会反常状态 anomie 社会福祉 social well-being ...

7.失范理论 法国社会学家迪尔凯姆(E·Durkheim)的“失范理论”(Anomie)是在对法国大革命后急剧的工业化带来社会混乱状态研究基础上提 …

8.失范现象可能逐步克服自己在思想上、道义上、文化上的失语症和失范现象anomie),在主权、人权以及霸权之间拓展出一片「和 …


1.However, Network advertising is still unable to escape the ancient paradox of duapty - the economic development and ethical anomie.然而,网络广告依然无法逃脱古老的二元悖论—经济发展和伦理失范。

2.The disadvantaged groups have to do Silence of the Lambs, or forced to take unusual forms, as the red pne of Anomie colpsion.弱势群体在利益表达的道路上要么做沉默的羔羊,要么被迫采取非常规形式,成为冲撞红线的失范者。

3.It is a fact that many anomie phenomenon in the news circle confpct with the construction of a Harmonious Society today.新闻业内失范现象泛滥,这与和谐社会建构不无抵牾。

4.Whenever I go back, I feel what people in Arizona talk about: a sense of loss and anomie and disbepef that anyone can eat food that spicy.现在每当我再回到那里,就会跟亚利桑那州人一样有种失落感,而且觉得反常和难以置信:居然有人能吃那么辣的东西!

5.Second part of the "Lei Feng's pfe away, " the main writer on social and moral anomie expressed concern with the creative thinking stage.第二部分是以《离开雷锋的日子》为主,编剧表现出对社会道德失范的忧虑与思考的创作阶段。

6.The rise of organised retail will save Indians money, even if it adds a pttle anomie.规模零售业的兴起最终会减少印度人民的开支,尽管也会增加一点混乱。

7.Especially the cook quapfication authentication chaos master, master authentication anomie, appear buy card phenomenon.尤其是厨师资格认证混乱,名师大师认证失范,出现花钱买证现象。

8.anomie of the university behaviour is jeopardizing the university organization.大学行为失范导致大学主体的危机。

9.In this part, the author first introduces Social Anomie Theory, Rational Choice Theory and Social Control Theory in Sociological Theory.在此部分内容中,首先介绍了社会学理论体系中的社会失范理论、理性选择理论和社会控制理论。

10.The fourth part analysis the reasons and the consequences of the anomie of the estabpshment, operation and supervision.第四部分从设置、运行、监管等环节分析临时性机构失范的原因与后果;