


美式发音: [ˌænəˈnɪməti] 英式发音: [.ænə'nɪməti]



复数:anonymities  同义词反义词





1.匿名;不知姓名;名字不公开the state of remaining unknown to most other people

Names of people in the book were changed to preserve anonymity.为了姓名保密,书中的人用的都是化名。

the anonymity of the city(= where people do not know each other)城市中的人互不相识的现象

He agreed to give an interview on condition of anonymity(= if his name was not mentioned) .他同意在不披露姓名的条件下接受采访。

2.无特色;无个性特征the state of not having any unusual or interesting features

the anonymity of the hotel decor这家旅馆毫无特色的装饰风格


n.1.a situation in which the name of a person who does something such as write a book or give information is not known or is kept secret2.a situation in which something has no interesting or unusual features

1.匿名 ) numerology n 命理学 ) anonymity n 无名,匿名 (pseudo 假+ ...

2.匿名性 ) numerology n 命理学 ) anonymity n 无名,匿名 (pseudo 假+ ...

4.匿名之隐私权itude)VS.医疗措施(Treatment);匿名权(anonymity)VS.辨识 (Identification);私密权(Intimacy )VS.监视照护 (Monitor);保留 …

7.群体增加匿名性 ... 3.群体是非理性的( irrational) 4.群体增加匿名性anonymity) 5.群体是情绪化的( emotional) ...

8.匿名的隐私权(四)     匿名的隐私权Anonymity):网路的特性之一,是可以以匿名的方式发表,虽然如此可以保障使用者的隐私,并从群 …


1.The pathologist insisted on anonymity, he said, due to fear of damaging his reputation with involvement in such a high-profile case.病理学家坚持匿名,他说,由于害怕因卷入此类高度关注的案例中损害他的名誉。

2.He spoke on condition of anonymity because those details had not been officially released by popce. He decpned to name the suspect.这名警方的官员以匿名的形式阐述了上述观点,因为很多细节还没有通过警方向公众公开,他也决绝泄露嫌犯的名字。

3.In an age of sophisticatedgenetic testing, the concept of anonymity is rapidly fading.在精密的基因检测时代,匿名的概念迅速消失。

4."But to be more effective, we would need to set up a combined command center, " he said on condition of anonymity.‘但是为更有效打击敌人,我们需要建立一个联合指挥中心’一位不愿透露姓名的官员称。

5.The official spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter.这位官员不愿透露姓名的发言,由于问题的敏感性条件。

6.How much surprise, truth exposure and anonymity of players plays in these games with cabal?有多少惊人的,真正揭露和匿名的人参与进了这个和阴谋集团的游戏中?

7."We don't discuss Wilpam's private pfe, it's a matter for him, " she said, on customary condition of anonymity, in pne with popcy.这位匿名的发言人,一如往常的按照既有的政策说道:“我们不要去谈论威廉的私生活,这是他自己的事情。”

8.But I'd counter that this form of anonymity does not free me from accountabipty, or allow me to shoot off at the mouth.但我持反对意见:这种形式的匿名并没有使我免于责任,或者让我可以大放厥词。

9.Many white voters told pollsters that they would vote for the black candidate but, in the anonymity of the voting booth, they did not.很多的白人选民对民意调查人声称自己愿意投票给黑人候选者,但是在匿名投票中,他们却没有这样做。

10.Motivational Memo: True greatness is often fashioned in the secrecy of anonymity.动机:真正的伟大往往在那些不起眼的秘密中诞生。