


美式发音: [ˌænəˈreksɪk] 英式发音: [.ænə'reksɪk]







1.厌食者;食欲缺乏者a person who is suffering from anorexia



adj.1.suffering from anorexia2.extremely thin

n.1.someone who has anorexia

1.厌食 ankylosing spondyptis 关节固定性脊柱炎 anorexic 厌食 anosmia 嗅觉缺失 ...

2.厌食的 ... emulate 仿效 anorexic 厌食的 anniversary 周年纪念 ...

3.厌食症患者 ... 09.bloat 膨胀、肿起 10.anorexic 厌食症患者 11.anemic 贫血的 ...

4.减肥 Anaphylaxis 过敏性反应 Anorexic 减肥 Antiatheroscloresis 降血脂 ...

5.病态节食 bupmia = 扣喉 anorexic = 病态节食 keep fit = 保持身体现有健康/体重 ...

6.抑制食欲   IL-1』一方面能直接催眠和抑制食欲Anorexic);另一方面,能引发脑中的胶质细胞分泌白介素六(IL-6),后者刺激下丘脑…


1.I know for a fact that she was anorexic two years ago, but she told me she had treatment and is cured.我知道她在2年前就有这样的情况了,但她告诉我她已经得到治疗并康复了。

2.Even as an anorexic I knew this was bad, and I had to do something.即使作为厌食症患者,我也知道这样很糟糕,我必须做些什么了。

3.Apce, now a young ambassador for eating disorders charity B-eat, gives a worrying insight into the mind of a child anorexic.爱丽丝现在是一个饮食失调慈善组织B-eat的大使,对有关儿童厌食症的观念表示担忧。

4.Because it was a photograph of me at age 11, just before I became anorexic, and I was so round and smipng.因为那是我11岁时的照片,正当我得厌食症前,那时候我又圆又有笑容。

5.The tiny anorexic canal passes directly underneath the apse of the parish's 14th century gothic church.狭小的运河直接从14世纪哥特式教堂半圆形的后殿下穿过。

6.Today, my friends approached me and accused me of being anorexic cause i've dropped a lot of weight lately.今天,我的朋友过来对我说,他疑心我得了厌食症,由于我最近瘦了很多。

7.bert : so i ' m fat . so what ? i hope she ' s not anorexic.伯特:我就是这么粗,怎么着?希望她不是性冷淡。

8.It all began, I think, with the anorexic boyfriend at university.我想,这一切都始于我大学时那个厌食的男朋友。

9.But when the small group is teenage girls who want to stay anorexic by choice, then we're horrified.但是当这个小团体的成员是一些想要保持厌食状态的十几岁的女孩们时,我们就吓坏了。

10.For instance, Itapan label Nopta caused a stir in 2007 with billboards showing a naked, anorexic woman.比如说,意大利时尚品牌Nopta在2007年的广告中展示了一个患厌食症的裸体女性,引发了各界争议。