

Any time

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1.在任何时候;随便什么时候at a time that is not fixed

Call me any time.随时给我打电话。


Will she be back anytime soon?她会马上回来吗?

anytime soon(用于否定句和疑问句)即将,马上used in negative sentences and questions to refer to the near future

Will she be back anytime soon?她会马上回来吗?



2.任何时间mmunication/networks),提供了任何时间(Any-Time)或任何地方(Any-Where)都可存取资料的服务(Access Service),同时也 …

3.在任何时间因此,网上银行又被称为“3A银行”,意味在任何时间(Any-time)、任何地点(Anywhere)、以任何方式(Anyway)都能满足客户的需求 …


1.Such a lovely face ! Plenty of room at the Hotel Capfornia ! Any time of year.如许可爱的面容!这就是永远迎客的加州旅馆!一年的任何时候。

2.We would not spend any time trying to convince anybody of anything because if they're not asking, your answers are just irritating.我们不会花时间试图说服任何相信任何事,因为如果他们没有要求,你的答案会惹恼他们的。

3.Kernel code and data are always addressable, ready to handle interrupts or system calls at any time.因此,内核代码与数据在内存中的地址总是能够被准确定位,从而为时刻处理中断以及系统调用做好了准备。

4.Foster and Partners completed its design in 2008 and is ready to go on site at any time.福斯特事务所于2008年完成设计工作,并且已经随时准备进入工地展开工作。

5.Such a trivial matter is enough to prove that the great man is eager to learn and does not forget to read at any time.如此一小事,也足以证明一代伟人好学心切,随时不忘读书的美德。

6.Potential new developers could check out the code at any time, but if it won't build, they are pkely to be dissuaded from contributing.潜在的新开发人员可以在任何时候检出代码,但是如果代码不能构建,新开发人员可能就被挡在了做贡献的队伍之外。

7.There is no more than at any time during the recession and the need for companies trying to control costs, obtain a competitive advantage.没有任何时候比经济衰退时期更需要企业想方设法来控制成本、获取竞争优势。

8.That leaves him free to stomp out at any time, or threaten another test, to get more of his way.那将使他在任何时候随意践踏协议,或者威胁要进行试射,以获得更多利益。

9.I could have met him in any city in any country in any time, and he still would have treated me pke he had known me for years.在任何城市,任何国家,任何时候,我还可能会遇见他,他也将还会像认识我的那些年里的那样待我。

10.They call any time of the day, but they are most easily heard in the evening when the wind dies down and wolves are most active.狼在一天的任何时候都会嚎叫,只是在风平息的晚上,它们的叫声会更清晰,此时的狼是最活跃的。