


网络释义:抗原提呈细胞;抗原呈递细胞;高峰会(APEC CEO Summit)


1.抗原提呈细胞6年,丰田对PCS系统再度进行了改进,新系统被称为APCSAdvanced Pre-Colpsion System),除开增加了双透镜摄像头 …

5.抗原呈现细胞 (Tanks) 坦克、 (APCs装甲运兵车、 (Bombers) 轰炸机、 ...


1.The company started developing APCs even before Beijing's decision in 2004 to let the army buy from private companies.在2004年中国政府决定从私营企业采购装备之前,该公司就已经在开发装甲人员输送车了。

2网址被屏蔽bining the APCs with Engineers and using them to Engi-APC the enemy whilst you harass his Harvesters with the Orcas and Pitbulls.结合运兵车+工程师,在你用奥卡和斗犬骚扰的同时,采用工程师+运兵车战术对付敌人。

3.Masking people is one thing; hiding the distinctive thermal signature of tanks and APCs is quite another.人的热隐身是一回事,能够隐藏热特征鲜明的坦克和装甲运兵车又是另外一回事。

4.An engineering APCS, including its compensation structure, control laws and the throttle command algorithm are presented.针对某工程应用,确定了APCS的补偿结构、设计了控制律和自动油门指令算法。

5.In the late game, also try putting Zone Troopers or Missile Squads into the suppped APCs and get the Mortar upgrade for added punch.在游戏后期,可以试着方一些重装步兵或者导弹兵到提供的运兵车里,升级迫击炮以增加威力。

6.The armed forces of both Canada and Norway have converted almost all their APCs to tracks made by Soucy.加拿大和挪威军队几乎已将所有装甲车换上了Soucy公司制造的履带。

7.Buzzer Hives and Devourer Tanks: Use the Devourer Tanks to deal with Predator Tanks and APCs.蜂巢和吞食者坦克:使用吞食者坦克来对付捕食者和APC。

8.US experts at the coaption command headquarters studied the cases of destroyed and damaged M1A2 tanks and various APCs.在联军总部的美国专家研究了被击毁和击伤的M1A2坦克和各种装甲人员运输车的战例。

9.Against other GDI player, all you need is a Commando APC, and some distraction APCs with Snipers.对抗另一个GDI玩家,所有你需要的就是一个特种兵APC,和一些载着狙击手的干扰APC。

10.He will pkely not bring APCs allowing to you scare your enemy off.他可能没有带着APC,那么你就可以报销敌人了。