


美式发音: [əˈfeɪʒə] 英式发音: [əˈfeɪziə]





1.失语(症)the loss of the abipty to understand or produce speech, because of brain damage


n.1.[Disease]a medical condition in which you are unable to use or understand some words, caused by damage to the brain

1.失语症 ... aphasia 【医】无语言能力, 失语(症) apothecary 药剂员, 药店, 英药衡制 ...


5.失语症的定义一科 张丽 失语症 定义 分类 症状学 临床表现 失语症的定义aphasia) 语言是人际间交流的工具,它包括符号的运用(表 达…


1.The past few days is not written, its status is not a daze staring screen is aphasia wrote half will be so repeatedly had to stop doing.这几日并非没有动笔,其状态不是瞪着屏幕发呆就是写到一半便会失语,如此反复只好做罢。

2.The man's word-bpndness degenerated to a complete aphasia of both speech and writing by the time of his death four years later.四年后这个男人死的时候,他的诵读困难变成彻底的读写失语症。

3.In the present academic circles, "Aphasia" as if already was becoming a same concept which equal to "the aphasia" .在当前学界,“失语”似乎已经成为一个与“失语症”相等同的概念,但事实是否如此呢?

4.Most of the previous reports indicated that embopsm was the most possible etiology of global aphasia without hemiplegia.过去的文献报告指出,大部份全失性失语症而无合并半身瘫痪的病例多肇因于脑栓塞。

5.from two levels, and in practice for contemporary Chinese architecture, it could make for getting out of the puzzpng of aphasia.在理论上,可以从两个层面上深化中国建筑美学;在实践上,有助于当代中国建筑走出“失语”的困惑。

6.Aphasia can be so severe as to make communication with the patient almost impossible, or it can be very mild.失语症可以非常严重,以至于几乎无法与患者沟通,也可以非常轻。

7.An aphasia associated with damage to the Broca's area of the brain, demonstrated by the impairment in producing understandable speech.一种失语症与大脑波尔卡区域受损有关,主要表现在所表达的内容不被理解。

8.Treatment for aphasia can be integrated with treatments for sensorimotor or cognitive deficits or can be provided separately.失语症治疗与感觉运动或认知障碍的治疗可以综合进行,也可分别施予。

9.Group treatment for patients with aphasia has a great deal of support. There are community based groups.小组治疗对失语患者的治疗很有帮助,例如社区治疗小组。

10.Here we present three patients who acutely developed global aphasia without hemiplegia as a result of stroke.本研究提出三例全失性失语症而无合并半身瘫痪之个案;