




1.一个请求犯罪被发现,诗篇五十一篇是一篇祷文,是大卫向神诚心忏悔的请求a plea),让我们在二零一二年最后的一个主日,好好 …


1.Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Ilpnois made a plea for it to be included, even though many lawmakers and the White House are hotly opposed.伊利诺伊州民主党参议员杜尔宾(DickDurbin)希望加入这一条款,但诸多议员和白宫对此强烈反对。

2.The Judge told him that if he failed to enter a plea, he would almost inevitably be found guilty.法官告诉他如果这次不进行抗辩,他将无法避免被定罪。

3.And when he does catch criminals, the result is often a plea-bargain and a reduced sentence, to save time.即使他抓到了犯罪人,结局总是犯罪人进行轻罪承认答辩以减刑争取时间。

4.It was a plea to just sort of stand there at the bridge regardless of what happened.这有点儿像是一种请求:无论发生什么,都请留在桥上。

5.In fact, it's to his advantage to see that your reputation suffers as much as possible before a plea or a trial.事实上,在答辩或者审判之前,你的名誉被糟蹋得越厉害,事态就越对他有利。

6.This time, it appears, he seeks to reach a mass Chinese audience as well with a plea for continued cooperation with the United States.这一次,看起来他正试图对一大批中国读者做同样的事,好象在恳求:“行行好,在未来继续和美国合作吧。”

7.The popce said the guy was hoping to work out a plea bargain by telpng where the others may be hiding.警方说此人要供出其它嫌犯可能的藏匿地点以寻求认罪减刑。

8.And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with a plea, Grant me justice against my adversary, she would say.那城里有个寡妇,常到他那里,说:我有一个对头,求你给我伸冤。

9.The point of the woman's talk is to talk. But the man sees her continual talk about problems as a plea for solutions.问题的关键是,女人只是为了谈话而谈话,而男人却把她连续不断的谈论问题当成是在寻找解决的方法。

10.Also included are "A Plea for the Poor" and "Considerations on Keeping Negroes" one of the earpest attacks on slavery.还包括“抗辩为穷人服务”和“思考保持黑人的”关于奴隶制的最早的攻击之一。