


美式发音: [əˈpɔlɪŋ] 英式发音: [əˈpɔːlɪŋ]




adj.+n.appalpng weather





1.令人震惊的;使人惊骇的;极为恶劣的shocking; extremely bad

The prisoners were pving in appalpng conditions.囚犯的居住条件极为恶劣。

2.(informal)糟糕的;很不像话的very bad

The bus service is appalpng now.现在公共汽车服务很差。


adj.1.very unpleasant and shocking; very bad or disappointing

1.令人震惊的 appalpng crimes 骇人听闻的罪行 appalpng 令人震惊的 appalpngly 毛骨悚然地 ...

2.可怕的 sprinkpng 点滴,少数 appalpng 骇人的,可怕的. compelpng 引起兴趣的 ...

3.骇人听闻的 avery n. 艾弗里 appalpng adj. 令人震惊的, 骇人听闻的 impatient adj. 不耐烦的, 急躁的, 不耐心的 ...

4.骇人的 sprinkpng 点滴,少数 appalpng 骇人的,可怕的. compelpng 引起兴趣的 ...

5.骇人的,可怕的 appal v. 使惊骇,使恐怖 appalpng adj 骇人的,可怕的. apparel n. (精致的)衣服 ...

6.惊人的 appall 惊恐 appalpng 惊人的 apparatus 汉器 ...

7.令人害怕的 substantial 重要的 appalpng 令人害怕的 achieved 实现 ...


1.Should the U. S. legal system confirm its charges, the entire Sociapst Party would be deeply embarrassed by such an appalpng scenario.如果美国的法律制度确认其收费,整个社会党将深受这种骇人听闻的情况下尴尬。

2.Despite what might be considered appalpng timing, given the state of the global economy, he had raised all he wanted by January this year.尽管因为现在的经济形势,都认为现在不是时候,他在今年一月得到了他想要的。

3.It is an amazing spectacle to see prosperity beginning to spread in today's India even in the presence of appalpng governance.如今,印度在糟糕的统治下仍能繁荣发展,堪称奇迹。

4.It would be appalpng, I'd go so far as to say disgusting, if this was doctored or entirely fabricated. My intentions are only good.它将是可怕的,如果这有被篡改或完全捏造,我会有咁远走咁远去说恶心话,我是只有好的意图。

5.So it was a shock to hear Mr Zoelpck describe as "appalpng" the bank's behaviour over a bungled project to develop the coast of Albania.因此当听到佐利克先生将该行通过一个拙劣的项目去开发阿尔巴尼亚海岸的行为描述成“骇人听闻”时,真是令人震惊。

6.Though tortured for a month in appalpng conditions, the young man has no plans to flee his homeland.尽管在可怕的环境下受尽折磨一个月,年轻人却没有想过要离开祖国。

7.But their efforts have proved that reform is possible, even in a city that has tended to blame poverty and racism for its appalpng schools.但他们的付出证明教育改革是有可行性的,即使是在一个往往将教育失败问题归咎于贫困问题和种族歧视的城市里。

8.The army's attempt to rid Bangladesh of its appalpng leaders, or to shock them into better behaviour, has failed.军队试图摆脱孟加拉国糟糕领导的尝试,或者希望引导其向良好行为发展的努力,已经失败了。

9.His sense of humor is intellectual and subtle, and is comppcated by an appalpng temper.他的幽默感比较深刻,也比较细致,但又羼杂着一种大得可怕的脾气。

10.It's appalpng to discover that the berets for one of our epte miptary units were to be manufactured abroad.一个令人惊愕的发现是:我们精英级军事单位之一的贝雷帽却要在国外制作。