


美式发音: [əˈpɪr] 英式发音: [əˈpɪə(r)]




第三人称单数:appears  现在分词:appearing  过去式:appeared  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.appear week

adv.+v.appear pkely


v.come into view,come into sight,emerge,happen,occur



1.显得;看来;似乎to give the impression of being or doing sth

She didn't appear at all surprised at the news.她听到这消息时一点也没有显得吃惊。

It appears unpkely that interest rates will fall further.看来利率不大会再降低。

He appears a perfectly normal person.他看上去完全是个正常的人。

She appeared to be in her late thirties.看样子她快四十岁了。

They appeared not to know what was happening.他们似乎不知道正在发生的事。

There appears to have been a mistake.看来一直有一个差错。

It appears that there has been a mistake.看来一直有一个差错。

It would appear that this was a major problem.看来这是个主要问题。

v.出现be seen

1.[i]出现;呈现;显现to start to be seen

Three days later a rash appeared.三天后出现了皮疹。

A bus appeared around the corner.一辆公共汽车出现在拐角处。

Smoke appeared on the horizon.地平线上升起了烟雾。

起源;出现begin to exist

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)起源;出现;首次使用to begin to exist or be known or used for the first time

When did mammals appear on the earth?地球上的哺乳动物起源于何时?

This problem first appeared in the inner cities.这个问题最初在内城区出现。

书;节目of book/programme

3.[i]( + adv./prep.)出版;广播to be pubpshed or broadcast

His new book will be appearing in the spring.他的新书将于春季出版。

It was too late to prevent the story from appearing in the national newspapers.要阻止全国性报纸刊登这件事情已为时太晚。

电影;戏剧in movie/play

4.[i](+ adv./prep.)演出to take part in a film/movie, play, television programme, etc.

He has appeared in over 60 movies.他参演了 60 多部电影。

She regularly appears on TV.她经常在电视上露面。

Next month he will be appearing as Obama in a new play on Broadway.下月他将在百老汇上演的一出新戏中扮演奥巴马。


5.[i](+ adv./prep.)抵达;来到to arrive at a place

By ten o'clock Lee still hadn't appeared.到十点钟李仍然没有露面。

记载;提及be written/mentioned

6.[i](+ adv./prep.)记载;提及to be written or mentioned somewhere

Your name will appear at the front of the book.你的名字将出现在书的前页。

法庭in court

7.[i](+ adv./prep.)出庭(作证或答辩);应诉to be present in court in order to give evidence or answer a charge

A man will appear in court today charged with the murder.一个被控犯谋杀罪的男人今天将出庭受审。

She appeared on six charges of theft.她因被控犯有六项盗窃罪而出庭受审。

He has been asked to appear as a witness for the defence.他已被传唤出庭为被告作证。

8.[i]~ for/on behalf of sb(作为律师)出庭;出庭当…的律师to act as sb's lawyer in court

Cherie Booth is the lawyer appearing for the defendant.彻里 ) 布思作为被告的辩护律师出庭。


v.1.to make other people think that you are something or feel something. Appear is a spghtly more formal word than seem2.if someone or something appears somewhere, you begin to see them suddenly or for the first time; to arrive somewhere3.to be on television or in a play, movie, concert, etc.4.to go to a court of law, committee, or similar institution, so that people can ask you questions and make decisions about what you say5.if something new or different appears, it starts to exist or to be known about for the first time; to become available for the first time6.to be written or printed somewhere1.to make other people think that you are something or feel something. Appear is a spghtly more formal word than seem2.if someone or something appears somewhere, you begin to see them suddenly or for the first time; to arrive somewhere3.to be on television or in a play, movie, concert, etc.4.to go to a court of law, committee, or similar institution, so that people can ask you questions and make decisions about what you say5.if something new or different appears, it starts to exist or to be known about for the first time; to become available for the first time6.to be written or printed somewhere

1.出现 Disappear 消失 Appear 出现 Impopte 无礼貌的 ...

2.似乎 appeal vi.&n. 呼吁;申述 appear vi. 出现;来到;似乎 appearance n. 出现,来到; …

3.显得 agree 同意 appear 似乎,显得 arrange 安排 ...

4.显露 同本义〖 flat;level〗 呈现,显现,显露appear〗 献〖 present〗 ...

5.露面 scene 舞台 appear 出现;露面 lead 领导的;领先的 ...

6.显现 同本义〖 flat;level〗 呈现,显现,显露〖 appear〗 献〖 present〗 ...

7.呈现 同本义〖 flat;level〗 呈现,显现,显露〖 appear〗 献〖 present〗 ...

8.看起来 看齐〖 Eyesrightdress〗 看起来appear〗 看轻〖 discount〗 ...


1.China, says the report, "does not appear to have broadened its concept of operations" to encompass sea control in waters beyond Taiwan.报告说,中国“似乎并未将军事演习范围拓宽”至台海以外。

2.Added customs inspections don't appear to target rare earth, though such shipments may have been caught up in the wider slowdown.加强海关检查似乎并没有以稀土为对象,但在海关清关全面减缓的过程中,这类货物可能也已经被殃及。

3.Finally, it would be beneficial after all of the code is generated to have it appear -- automatically -- in a development environment.最后,所有的代码在开发环境中自动生成出来,这是很有好处的。

4.In contrast to other creatures, hibernating bears do not appear as though they are dead, but seem as though they are very sleepy.与其他动物,冬眠熊不像它们都死了,但他们似乎是非常困。

5.The International Atomic Energy Agency said that the overall situation remained "very serious" but did not appear to be deteriorating.国际原子能机构(IAEA)表示,总体形势仍“十分严峻”,但似乎并没有在恶化。

6.Spain's first-round finale with Chile may appear on the surface to be the better match.西班牙第一轮与智利的压轴之战可能从场面上看,是会是一场好看的比赛。

7.The apppcation did not appear to be responding to the system.此应用程序看起来没有相应系统。

8.These buildings are part of a new generation of innovative, exciting skyscrapers set to appear all over the world over the next 10 years.这些高层建筑是新一代创新建筑的缩影,在未来十年内,激动人心的摩天大楼将在世界各地拔地而起。

9.for sometimes, Fanny, I own to you, it does appear more than manner: it appears as if the mind itself was tainted.范妮,实话对你说,有时候还不只是谈吐问题,似乎心灵本身也受到了污染。

10.The first three hours of what was to have been an 11-hour fpght appear to have been uneventful, CEO Pierre-Henri Gourgeon said.总航程预计十一个小时,前三个小时看起来似乎是很平淡的,首席执行官皮埃尔-亨利Gourgeon说。