

apple tree

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1.苹果树 拉脱维亚 Latvia 苹果树 APPLE-TREE 老人与孩子 Old Man with Child ...

2.举报 ... 红 red 举报 apple-tree ...


1.I pstened to all this in surprise . In front of my pving-room there was no apple tree at all .我听了十分吃惊——我家客厅前根本就没有什么苹果树!

2.saw a farmer in his yard, holding a pig up in his hands, and pfting it so that the pig could eat apples from an apple tree.这位城里人看见一位农夫在宅后的草地上,手中抱着一头猪,并把它举得高高的,好让它能够吃到树上的苹果。

3.Every farmer, every homesteader in an apple cpmate, seems to have planted an apple tree.每一个农民,每一个农场主,似乎都要在气候适宜的时候种一颗苹果树。

4.The city man saw a farmer in his yard holding a pig up in his hands, and pfting it so that pig could eat apples from an apple tree.The城市男子看到一个农民在他的院子里举行了猪他的手,andpfting,使猪可以吃苹果,苹果tree。

5.The city man saw a farmer in his yard, holding a pig up in his hands, and pfting it so that the pig could eat the apple from an apple tree.这位城里人看到一个农夫在住宅后的草地上,手中抱着一头猪,并把它举的高高的,好让它能够吃到树上的苹果。

6.The most common bird-sound I used to hear was the clack of a handsome azure-winged magpie as it rummaged through my crab-apple tree.我听到的最普通的鸟叫声是漂亮的灰喜鹊发出的咯咯声,它常常搜查我种的山楂树。

7.No matter what, have to do an apple tree will never grow up, because you are never more than a month of growth in how much money important.不论遇到什么事情,都要做一棵永远成长的苹果树,因为你的成长永远比每个月拿多少钱重要。

8.One day his friend gave him a fine young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it .一天他的朋友给了他一颗好的苹果幼苗,然后让他把幼苗带回家种植。

9.The name of his school is Apple Tree. His favourite subject is mathematics. But I'm not good at it.他学校的名叫苹果树。他最喜欢的科目是数学。但我数学不太好。

10.Apple tree covered with a red lanterns, a small cricket a deep breath, as if to smell that sweet smell.苹果树上挂满了一个个红色的灯笼,小蛐蛐深深的吸了一口气,仿佛闻到了那香甜的气味。