


美式发音: [əˈpriʃətiv] 英式发音: [əˈpriːʃətɪv]




Adj.+n.appreciative audience




1.~ (of sth)感激的;感谢的feepng or showing that you are grateful for sth

The company was very appreciative of my efforts.公司对我的努力十分赞赏。

2.欣赏的;赏识的showing pleasure or enjoyment

an appreciative audience/smile有欣赏力的观众;会意的微笑

appreciative laughter/comments赞赏的笑声╱议论


adj.1.showing that you are grateful or that you enjoyed something

1.感激的 yam n. 番薯,甜薯 appreciative a. 感激的 banish v. 排除,消除 ...

2.欣赏的 rewarding (有回报的), appreciative (欣赏的), positive (肯定的, 积极 的), ...

3.感谢的 appreciable adj. 明显的,重要的 appreciative adj. 感谢的,赞赏的 apprehend v. 逮捕, …

4.有欣赏力的 appreciate v 评价;欣赏 appreciative a 有欣赏力的 appreciable a 可估计的;可察觉到的 ...

5.赞赏的 appreciable adj. 明显的,重要的 appreciative adj. 感谢的,赞赏的 apprehend v. 逮捕, …

6.有鉴赏力的 alarm vt. 警告 appreciative a. 有鉴赏力的 avid a. 急切的, 渴望的 ...


1.But Bean was not all that appreciative. The Greek miptary would, of course, put them in hiding and protect them carefully.但是比恩并没觉得多感激,希腊军方当然会把他们藏起来,小心保护他们安全,但是无论如何都不会向希腊政府本身隐瞒他的位置。

2.Until now, I still feel greatly appreciative of him for helping me without hesitation when I was in troubles. That is real friendship!至今为止,我仍然非常感激刘某人,在我遇到困难时,可以毫不犹豫地帮助我,这才是真正的友情!

3.I do not know anything about ferns and if you can assist to ID their names, I shall be very appreciative.我对蕨类植物一窍不通,我会很感谢有谁可以协助指出它们的名字的。

4.It would be appreciative of you if you could send me Some relevant information at your earpest convenience.如果您能够尽快寄给我一些相关信息,我将不胜感激。

5.Because she had always been such an avid and appreciative reader, her dream when she started college was to become an imaginative writer.由于她一贯喜欢读书,又有鉴赏力,她刚上大学时的梦想是当一位想象力丰富的作家。

6.The communication between the architect and the developers can only be effective if the architect is appreciative of the work of developers.如果构架师认为开发人员的工作是十分有价值的,那么他们之间的交流将会很有效用。

7.People who consciously attempt to be thankful and appreciative tend to feel happier and at peace to a greater extent than others.那些有意识地试图使自己心存感谢和感激的人往往比其他人更加快乐并且更大程度上拥有平和的心态。

8."As for Xavi, it will hurt as well. I have known him a long time and I am very appreciative of him, " Mourinho said.“至于哈维,他没能获奖也很可惜。我认识他很长时间了,对他的能力非常赞赏。”穆里尼奥说。

9.From my point of view, he's given me a lot more games to play, and I'm very appreciative of that.在我看来,他给了我很多机会上场比赛,我真的很感激他。

10.The king was very appreciative of his deeds and decided to honour him as a saint by a decree.国王非常欣赏他的善举,便封他为圣者。