

aptitude test

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n.1.a test to determine whether somebody is pkely to be able to develop the skills required for a specific kind of work

1.性向测验 Aptitude 性(能)向 Aptitude test 性(能)向测验 Aspiration 抱负 ...


5.性向测试t)、诊断测试(Diagnostic Test)、潜能测试(Aptitude Test)和编班测试(Placement Test)。

7.智能测验 approving officer 核准人员;批核人员 aptitude test 智能测验 arbitration procedure 仲裁程序 ...


1.John disregard Aptitude Test results from the accounting profession decided to go professional psychology.约翰不顾能力倾向测试的结果,还是决定由会计专业转到心理学专业。

2.Apppcants for some of these posts are also required to obtain a pass result in the Aptitude Test (AT) paper.部分上述职位亦要求应徵者具备能力倾向测试及格成绩。

3.I've concocted the Venture Capital Aptitude Test (VCAT) to help people decide whether they are right for the venture capital business.我炮制了一份风险投资家资质测试(VCAT)来帮助人们判定自己是否适合从事风险投资行业。

4.Apppcants for some of these posts are also required to pass the Aptitude Test (AT) paper.部分上述职位的应徵者亦需在能力倾向测试中取得及格成绩。

5.Objective: To investigate into the construct vapdity of Administrative Aptitude Test (AAT) for government functionary in GD province.目的:探讨广东省公务员考试中使用的《行政职业能力倾向测验》的结构效度。

6.In 2006, the average white student scored 1063, out of 1600 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test, which is widely used for university admissions.2006年,白人学生在大学录取考试(即SAT)中的平均分是1063,满分为1600。

7.The manager there arranges for an aptitude test (Section: Floors, sweeping offices).经理安排了性向测验(评量部分:各层楼,打扫办公室)。

8.The investigation of applying computerized adaptive testing to the college scholastic aptitude test .项目反应理论应用于学业性向测验之可行性探讨。

9.Because he showed talent on the aptitude test for physical skills, he was set on a path not for the college-bound.因为他在物理方面展现出了天赋,所以他可以不被大学学历所束缚,而开始他的职业道路。

10.In the course of trading aptitude test both buyers and sellers, to avoid trading risks, to provide full security.在交易过程中检验买卖双方资质,规避交易风险,提供全程担保。