


美式发音: [əˈkwaɪnəs] 英式发音: [əˈkwaɪnəs]

un.阿奎奈(Saint Thomas,1225-1274,意大利神学家)



un.1.阿奎奈(Saint Thomas,1225-1274,意大利神学家)

1.阿奎那 aquipne 鹰的 Aquinas 阿奎奈 aquiver 颤抖的 ...

4.阿奎拿个星期我们都得阅读一部有关中世纪哲学的著作,比如说阿奎拿Aquinas)、培根(Bacon)、Abelard——都是些长篇巨作 …

5.阿奎那斯阿奎那斯Aquinas)大学护理系五十多位学生来当义工。台风毁损了校舍,学生到灾区学习付出爱心,烈日下撑伞护送病患到 …

6.多玛斯阿奎纳天主教徒在二十世纪所面临的问题,正如同圣多玛斯阿奎纳Aquinas)在第十三世纪所遭遇的问题一样。那时希腊和阿拉伯文 …


1.The word does not have quite such a full-blooded * meaning now as it had in the times of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas.现在这个词可不象圣•奥古斯汀和托马斯•阿奎那时代那样拥有非常纯粹的意义了。

2.Aristotle did not speak of a conscience in all, nor of a universal natural incpnation to virtue, as did Aquinas.在一切著述中,亚里士多德都不像阿奎那一样谈及良心和谈及对德性的普遍的自然的倾向。

3.In the first of the Five Ways, Aquinas says the existence of God can be proved by considering the concept of change.在五种证明的第一种证明中,阿奎那认为通过考虑运动的意义可以证明上帝的存在。

4.St. Thomas Aquinas ( 1226 - 1274) was one of the greatest philosophers of all time.圣托马斯。阿奎那(1226—1274)是有史以来最伟大的哲学家之一。

5.St. Thomas Aquinas The end of every maker is himself .圣托马斯•亚奎那每个创造者的末日就是他自己。

6.Aquinas : In his goodness, God created all this shit.阿奎纳:藉著祂的善,上帝创造所有大便。

7.A few months after father died, my husband and son were preparing to attend a retreat at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, Minnesota.在我父亲去世几个月之后,我丈夫和儿子都准备要到明尼苏达州的威诺纳市圣托马斯·阿奎那神学院的疗养所去。

8.To put it in the terms of Saint Thomas Aquinas, an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal and natural law.用圣托马斯.阿奎那斯的话来说,一个不公正的法律是一种并非植根于永恒和自然法则的人类法律。

9.The fourth part points out how Aquinas explains the rationapty of the faith of trinity through the person of metaphysical relation.第四段指出多玛斯如何以形上关系位格說明三一信仰的合理性;

10.Thomas Aquinas' concept of the organic society and the need for virtue fits well with aspects of Confucian ethics.托马斯•阿奎纳提出的有机社会和美德需求的概念,与儒家伦理的某些方面不谋而合。