




1.阿拉贡 ... 佛罗多( Frodo) 亚拉岗( Aragorn) 勒苟拉斯( Legolas) ...

5.未来之王阿拉岗, son of Gondor.)”这是刚铎王国的未来之王阿拉岗(Aragorn)对刚铎将军、魔戒远征队成员波罗莫的最后一句话。




1.He then closed his eyes and turned his head into Aragorn's neck, hiding his face from whatever it was down there.然后他闭上了双眼把头埋在阿拉贡的颈窝里,不管那是什么他都不想知道。

2.Gandalf: Gandalf? Yes, that was what they used to call me. (Aragorn nods ) Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.甘道夫?是的,那是以前你们称呼我的。灰袍巫师甘道夫。那是我以前的名字。

3.Aragorn sat down hard next to the wet-nurse and the still screaming child, his expression_r shocked.阿拉贡一脸震惊,颓然坐倒,身边站着无措的奶妈和仍然哭个不停的婴儿。

4.A scene of a fresh-faced Aragorn meeting Arwen for the first time was filmed, but Peter Jackson was unable to find a suitable place for it.摄制组拍摄了一个年轻的阿拉冈和亚雯见面的镜头,但是彼得·杰克逊找不到合适的地方安置它。

5.Aragorn's voice was impossibly gentle though it spced through my defenses as easily as a sharp blade cut through flesh .阿拉贡的声音难以置信得温柔,却同时用最尖锐的方式刺透了我的防守。

6.The last shot of principal photography was when the newly-crowned Aragorn bows to the four Hobbits.最后拍摄的主要镜头是新加冕的阿拉冈给四个哈比人鞠躬。

7.she gives it to aragorn , who drinks some . he walks off with a nod.她向阿拉贡敬了一杯,他和了几口。他向她点头致意,然后便走开了。

8.Aragorn: I summon you to fulfill your oath.我要求你们履行你们的誓言。

9.Thus was born the child of Aragorn and Legolas.就这样,阿拉贡和莱格拉斯的孩子出生了。

10.He had finally wrapped his arms around Aragorn's neck and allowed the man to half drag him around the room.他最终还是搂住了阿拉贡的脖子,默许了这个男人半拖着自己绕着房间走。