


美式发音: 英式发音: ['a:rəl]

n.Lake Aral 咸海



n.1.Lake Aral 咸海

1.阿拉尔 石河子市 Shihezi 阿拉尔市 Aral 图木舒克市 Tumushuke ...

4.Austrapan Review of Appped Linguistics

5.阿拉之海 ... WARRIORS OF DESTINY (天命勇士) ... Aral 阿拉之海 Blue Dawn 蓝色日 …

6.亚拉油品col) 油 英 雄 (Oel-Held) 其它 亚拉油品 (Aral) 好 富 顿 (Houghton ) 巴索油品 (Blaser) 加 德 仕 (Caltex) 中国政府及行业协...

7.亚拉公司 ... Arco 阿科(石油)公司 Aral 亚拉(石油)公司 Imperial College 帝国学院 ...


1.Never the most hospitable of places, Karakalpakstan was then turned into a vast arena of destruction by the Aral Sea disaster.卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦从来不是一个宜居的地方,由于咸海的生态灾难,这里变成了一个遭受到毁灭性破坏的辽阔区域。

2.An inland lake, the Aral is found between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan and used to be the fourth largest lake in the world.作为一个内陆湖,咸海位于乌兹别克斯坦与哈萨克斯坦之间,而且曾经是世界上第四大湖泊。

3.One of the branch routes turned northwest to the north of the Aral and Caspian seas then and on to the Black Sea.其中一条分支的走向由西北转向北部的咸海和里海,接着到达黑海。

4.Since the 1960s, however, when Soviet irrigation projects diverted several of its source waterways, the Aral has shrunk 90%.自20世纪60年代开始,当时苏联的灌溉项目将数条水源河改道,使咸海缩水90%。

5.For more details on the shrinking of the Aral Sea, please see the American University case study Aral Sea Loss and Cotton.要查看更多有关咸海缩小的信息,请查看美国大学个案研究《咸海损失与棉花》。

6.Perhaps nothing says more about mankind's impact on these habitats than the disappearance of the Aral Sea in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.相比较位于乌兹别克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦之间久负盛名却日渐消失的咸海而言,也许人们对于上述栖息地的所受到的影响少有提及。

7.If this goes on long enough, the Sea could face Owens Lake's and the Aral Sea's fate: becoming a wind-swept salt flat.长此以往,死海将面临欧文湖和阿拉尔湖的命运:被风吹卷的盐面平地。

8.The level is dropping, rather pke the Aral Sea.海平面正在下降,有点像咸海。

9.Environmentapsts raise the spectre of Central Asia's Aral Sea, all but drained by Soviet irrigation projects.环境保护主义人士指出,几乎要被苏维埃农田水利项目抽干的中亚咸海正笼罩在阴霾之中。

10.In less than 40 years, Central Asia has witnessed the drying up of Aral sea, once the fourth biggest inland water body in the world.在不到四十年的时间裡,中亚見证了曾为全球第四大内陸水体的咸海日渐乾涸。