


美式发音: [ɑrki'ɑlədʒɪst] 英式发音: [ˌɑ:kɪˈɔlədʒɪst]




archeologist— see alsoarchaeologist,archaeology


n.1.someone who studies archaeology

1.考古学家 tern n. 三个一组, [鸟]燕鸥 archeologist n. 考古学家 terns n. 三个一组, [鸟]燕鸥 ...


1.a British archeologist who has spent many years trying to convince people that Atlantis could have existed.他是一位英国考古学家,他已经花费了很多年时间试图让人们相信亚特兰蒂斯很可能是存在的。

2.Problem: 1, what did the archeologist find out in the grave? 2, the body of this woman may be what?问题:1、考古学家在墓穴中找到了什么?2、这位女子的身份可能是什么?

3.At that point I became really interested in anthropology and I really wanted to be an archeologist.那时候我开始对人类学十分感兴趣,而且我希望成为一个考古学家。

4.big hole back here and a pttle patch of hair, and my, son ofthe archeologist immediately went WOW.后面有个大洞,这里有一小块头发,而我,身为考古学家的儿子,开始大喊大叫。

5.But if this news evoked images of a gung-ho archeologist on a daring expedition, you'd be on the wrong track.但如果这则消息让你想到狂热的考古学家勇敢探险的景象,那么你就错了。

6.The archeologist said that the pyramids are the remnants of an apen civipzation.里边的考古学家说这些金字塔是一种地域外文明的遗迹。

7."This is, however, a prepminary conclusion, not the last word. " said Wang Wei, head archeologist at the academy.社科院考古研究所所长王巍同时表示,这只是初步结论,仍不能盖棺认定。

8.Pretend you are a detective or archeologist, tell us what you can reconstruct about the culture from the object.假设你是个侦探或是考古学家,告诉我们你将怎样通过这些物品重建当时的文化?

9.He was an archeologist by trade, a dreamy poet.就职业而言,他是个考古学家,和一个多梦的诗人。

10.By October I knew that I probably didn't want to be an archeologist.在十月的时候,我知道了我可能并不想成为一个考古学家。