


美式发音: [ˈɑrtʃəri] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)tʃəri]





1.射箭术;射箭运动the art or sport of shooting arrows with a bow


n.1.the sport of shooting arrows from a bow

1.射箭 1.足球( Football) 16.射箭( Archery) 2.网球( Tennis) ...

2.箭术 inventory_management = 7 物品管理 horse_archery = 0 骑射 power_draw = 4 强弓 ...

5.弓箭术 ... 炼金术〔 Alchemy〕 弓箭术Archery〕 攻击技巧〔 Attacking〕 ...

6.射箭场 ironflesh = 铁骨 +15 archery = 弓箭熟练 +699 throwing = 投掷武器熟练 +699 ...

8.射箭运动 篮球 Basketball 1. 射箭运动archery 2. 野外射箭: field archery ...


1.Unfortunately, popularity was one of the weaker sides of Olympic archery.不幸的是,奥运会射箭比赛在当时的人气是很差的。

2.Her years of archery has allowed her to fire multiple arrows with keen accuracy.她在箭术方面的历练使她能够一次发射多支箭,并依旧准确地命中敌人。

3.Mr. Geng Lei, your archery is really worthy of its reputation! It seems there is no one in the world who can match up to you.更羸先生的箭术真是名不虚传啊,看来天下是没有人可以和您相比了。

4.It was hard to even get a stand full of people to see people shoot in the early years of Olympic archery.早年的射箭比赛观众席很难被坐满,更别说听见人们的喝彩。得到一个站满了人看到人们射在早期的奥运会射箭比赛。

5.Archery has historically been used for hunting and combat; in modern times, however, its main use is that of a recreational activity.射箭历来被用于狩猎和作战,但在近代,其主要用途是作为休闲活动。

6.The first games took place in 1948 in London with two British teams competing in an archery competition.第一届残疾人运动会于1948年在伦敦举行,当时有两支英国队伍参与了箭术的比赛。

7.Now that the games have actually started, a viewer can find pve broadcasts of everything from archery to volleyball all day long.现在比赛已经如火如荼地开始了,任何比赛,不论是射箭还是排球,都可以看到直播。

8.Inner Mongopa "of the screen, " the General Assembly traditional horseback archery, shooting prospective competition.内蒙古的“那达幕”大会进行传统的骑马射箭、射准比赛。

9.Archery requires balance, concentration, coordination, and a sense of timing.射箭运动要求有平衡,注意力集中,协调和时间感觉等素质和能力。

10.In a week-long competition, the host Chinese team scored two gold, three silver and two bronze medals 7, stable archery medal count pst.在为期一周的比赛中,东道主中国队斩获了两金、三银和两铜7枚奖牌,稳居射箭项目奖牌榜榜首。