


美式发音: [ɑrˈdɛnz] 英式发音: [ɑ:ˈdenz]





un.1.forested and thinly populated plateau in southeastern Belgium, extending into Luxembourg and northeastern France. The Battle of the Bulge took place in the Ardennes in 1944. The highest peak is Botrange, near Belgium's border with Germany, with a height of 694 m (2,277 ft).

1.阿登片地区一共有约35000公顷风景如画的葡萄园, 与阿登地区(Ardennes)覆盖着的原始森林完全不同:那里生活着狍子和野兔; …

6.阿德南丝比利时阿德南丝(Ardennes)森林区有一个山谷小镇SPAU,拥有纯净的泉水和美丽的森林。早在古罗马时期,镇上的居民们就发 …

7.阿登区顺着莱斯河将会看见很美的阿登区Ardennes)、常绿的森林(比利时的森林覆盖率很高)、雄伟的岩石层、昂溶洞 、中世纪 …

8.阿登森林防守力量薄弱的阿登森林Ardennes)进入法国,盟军在阿登山地因为德军的奇袭完全无法组织有效的抵抗。德国人的两个坦 …


1."Hell, " I said, "why go to Strasbourg? We could go up to Bruges, or to the Ardennes. "“真混,”我说,“干嘛到斯特拉斯堡去呢?咱们可以上布鲁日,或者到阿登森林去嘛。”

2.We could go up to Bruges, or to the Ardennes.我们可以朝北到布鲁日或者阿登森林去嘛。

3.The night was dark and frosty and a thick mist hung over the rugged snow-laden hills of the Ardennes Forest.这天晚上天很黑,有霜冻,浓雾笼罩着阿登林附近的大雪覆盖着的崎岖的群山。

4.He ordered his forces to move quietly through the Ardennes Forest and attack the center of the Alped pne.他命令他的部队移动悄然通过阿登森林和攻击的盟军线的中心。

5.Tiger II with Henschel turret passes American prisoners taken during the Ardennes offensive.一辆配备有亨舍尔炮塔的虎II经过一队阿登反击战中俘虏的美军。

6.The terrain became increasingly tough as we approached the Ardennes region in France, the cpmbs becoming longer and steeper.当我们来到法国阿登地区时,路变得越来越难走,上坡的路变得更长也更陡了。

7.Our friends from PIQUE llc shared with us this house located outside the small village of Mormont in the Ardennes Forest of Belgium.从我们的朋友皮克公司分享我们与比利时阿登森林位于这所房子外面的小莫尔蒙在村。

8.S. Army. These guys were captured in December of 1944 during the operation in the Ardennes.这些德国兵是于1944年12月在阿登战役中被俘的。

9.There's a lot of enemy activity up around Ardennes.阿登附近有很多敌军活动。

10.The third physical region, called the Ardennes, is more rugged than the other two regions.第三种地理区域叫作阿尔丁区域。与前面两个地势相比,更加恶略。